The Residents

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"My apologies, its really not much. " Moon Jo helped Bong with her things up the stairs. "The place was never really in good shape." Bong gave a warm smile.

"Its quiet and small. No one can bother me." She said as they got to her room. It was kinda  small but not as small as Bong thought it would be. There was alittle mold abd dust but Bong still was able to make herslef at home. Moon Jo helped her bring her stuff in her room and bowed.

"The landlady should be home soon, she went to do some volunteer work. " He said Bong hadnt noticed before but Moon Jo had a sort of soft calming voice.

"So where do you work?" She asked sitting on her bed.

Moon Jo smiled, it made Bong feel uneasy for a second,but she decided to ignore it.

"I was a dentist. I still have a few things from my practice if you ever wanna see." Moon Jo seemed almost excited when saying that to Bong. "I volunteer now, but I also have another job." Bong nodded and took a moment to decide wether she wanted to tell Moon Jo why she was here in Korea.

"I use to work as my mother off shore salewoman for our company, but I got into some trouble. A small fight, and she made me come back. I ruined a pretty big deal for the company so shes pretty pissed. She sent me away because I was a nuisance to her. Just for her to have to bring me back for the same problem." Moon Jo had a straight look on his face, emotionless infact.

"I knew I liked you." He said walking out of her room into the room next door.

"What?" She whispered to herself as she closed her room door and laid down. She started to fall asleep until she heard noises above her.

"Huh? Does someone else live here?" Bong looked at her watch on her wrist. It was only 7:35 in the afternoon, so she decided to go out for awhile.


" I dont know what I should do Akira, I mean. I really dont wanna be back here. Not with either of them." Bong signed as she spoke to her friend on the phone, then there was a ding. She looked at her phone and saw money was deposited to her account, and a text message.

"Get some better clothes. Try not to look like a homeless child alright." The message was from her brother. I bet their mom had no idea he sent that to her. Bong chuckled and put her ear back up to the phone.

"Just try your best Bong...try the thearpy as well. It could really help, you nearly killed the guy down here." Bong gritted her teeth.

"He shouldnt have touched you Akira." She said and hung up.

I guess Ill go first thing in the morning. She thought to herself.

"But for now Ill head back home." She said going back uphill.

When she got home she decided to go up stairs to the roof to sit for awhile, as she went up the stairs she noticed a door with yellow caution tape on it like an X. She started to walk through it but decided against it and continued up to the roof. There she saw Moon Jo talkimg to a woman.

"Oh so he has a girlfriend?" She thought. Well of course he did, how could someone that attractive not be taken. Bong started to turn  around when she heard her name called.

"Bong?" She stopped and turned on her heels. "This is one of my patients. Jiu. Jiu this is a resident of mines." Jiu stood up and smiled Bongs way. Bong smiled and extended her arm out to shake Jiu.

"Oh I thought this was your girlfriend." Bong gasped as the words fell out her mouth. Both Moon Jo and Jiu looked at her. "Ignore me... I... drank...alittle." She said embarrassed.

" gonna head to my room. Sorry to interrupt." She said heading back downstairs, on her way down however she heard a sound behind the 4th floor wall. Bong looked downstairs then back up and decided to go inside. She pulled up her flashlight on her phone and started looking around.  She didnt hear anymore noise which was strange.

"Maybe its water, or pipes. I shouldnt be walking back here." Bong looked around for about 20 minutes before heading back out to the stairs. She was about a few feet away before stepping on something.

She flashed her phone downward to find a bracelet with teeth charms on it. She picked it up and looked at it closely.

"Its really pretty. Looks almost real." She said heading to the door. Carefully she closed the door and went back towards her room when she noticed a guy with a white muscle shirt and glasses smiling at her. He was in room 313. Right across from her. He looked like he hadnt been cleaned in months and she could peek into his room and see porn playing on the tv.

"H-Hello." She said trying to open her room door. Just as she was about to someone came out of room 303 across the hall.

"301? Are you new?" Bong looked down the hall to a boy with short black hair and a grayish polo shirt and blue jeans.

"Yes, Ill only be here a few months bu-" A older lady walked in the hall smiling.

"OH YOU MUST BE KIM BONG CHA!" She said almost screaming. Bong jumped slighlty smiling as the older lady walked up to her. "Im sorry I couldnt give you a tour. Im glad I caught you though. Here." The woman handed her a set of keys.

"Unfortunately we share the showers and bathroom, so I got you two keys so you can lock the door whenever you go in there." She cheesed at Bong who bowed respectively and took the keys. "Oh. My name is Eom Bok-Soon, thats is Yoon Jong Woo." She pointed at the the guy in the jeans then at the guy in the musle shirt. "And that's Hong Nam-bok." He looked at Bong and smiled going into his room.

"Hes so weird." Jong Woo said walking over to Bong and Ms. Soon.

"There are other tenants as well, I think you already met Seo Moon Jo." Bong looked at Bok-Soon and nodded with a smile on her face.

"Yes I did, he is on the roof now." She said looking at Jong Woo and going into her room but Bok Soon put her foot in the way.

"There are drinks in the fridge in our kitchen and I like bringing you guys eggs so if you want any dont be afraid to ask or I can cook it for you." Bok Soon smiled hard and Jong Woo put his hand on her shoulder.

"Let her be, we can talk with her anytime, she'll definitely be her for awhile." He said smiling at both of the ladies.

Bong closed her door and frowned. "Weirdo."

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