Do You Ever Think About It?

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"T-this taste g-great!" Deuk Jong smiled cheering over the food I had just made. He reminded me so much of Sejun, before my Pmother had corrupted him. I smiled and made a slight face as Ms. Soon embraced me in a hug.

"Well you seem to be blending in with the Eden Family really well." Moon Jo said looking at me smiling, for a second he caught me off guard as I tried to sit down. Deuk Soo looked my way and nodded as the stranger from the night before walked into the kitchen. He looked my way and rolled his eyes as he walked in the back hall towards the room.

Deuk Jong grabbed my arm and buried his face under it. I raised my eyebrow looking at him, I softly rubbed his head as everyone went back to eating. Except for Moon Jo who was smiling wildly at me.

"Ah! Where did you learn to cook?" Ms. Soon asked. I frowned at the question but quickly fixed my face.

"My mother taught me." I said softly.


I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling.

"Well you seem to be blending in with the Eden Family really well."

I thought about what Moon Jo said earlier that night.

"The" I mumbled looking at the ceiling when I finally decided to go to my desk and pull out my journal. Naming the next entry:

The Eden Family

As I wrote my mind began to wonder as I thought about all the residents here.

The Old Lady
The Porn Addict
The Twins
Jong Woo
And The Person who seemed to be the leader of them all- Moon Jo.

"The perfect characters for a book, maybe thats why I meant them?" I said to myself leaning back looking at Jong Woo's book. As I went to reach for it I heard another thud above me.

"What is that?" I ran out of my room and upstairs to the door I had gon into a few days before. I heard the thumping again and opened the door.

Everything still looked the same and nothing had seemed to be moved. I looked down where I found that braclet and then heard a voice.

"Did you hear it as well?" I looked up infront of me and saw the stranger who was hurting Deuk Jong.

"Whats it matter to you?" I growl walking passed him, but he took me by my arm and slammed me into the wall.

"Your so busy protecting those people! You dont even know how fucking weird they are." I push him away and smile.

"Why does it matter? You provoked them, isnt there a saying not to mess with crazy people." I ask putting my arm behind his head slowly caress him. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

"It...shouldnt matter. I know that kid cant hurt me." He says looking back at my eyes pressing his lips against mines putting me back against the wall. He tried to continuously kiss me but stooped letting out a grunt. My vision began to blur as I felt his lips detach from mines and I smiled.

The stranger looked down at his stomach where a large shard of glass sat.

"You crazy bitch!" He groaned as I took out the glass and stabbed him 6 more times until his grip on my shirt loosened and he fell to the ground.

" Let Me Out Bong!" I looked towards the end of the hall to see someone standing in the door way. I walked closer to the person the knife clenched in my hand. The closer I got the more my vision blurred up until I stood right infront of the figure.

"Let me out Bong." She said again standing into the light.

"Its me?" I said as I closed my eyes.


I jumped up from my desk confused.

"It was a dream?" I say confused. I looked out my room door and saw a shadow in the kitchen. I stepped back into my room and looked at my journal.


I stared at the words horrified. Should I tell Moon Jo about this?

"No!" I said slightly upsetting myself. Then my phone rang. I answer it without thinking and i immediately regret my descion.


"No one harmed that trashy whore you seem to treat like a better daughter than your own. She was gonna hit me...again and someone stood up for me. You know, like your mother should." I hish through the phone.

"God! How did I end up with suck a fuck up." I rolled my eyes and interrupted her.

"Well if you like her so much make her your daughter." I say hanging up.

I leave my room and knock on Moon Jo's door and knocked. I hadnt realized until he looked at me with shock upon opening his door, that I was crying.

"Can I take some of your time?" I ask. He opens the door further so I can walk in, when Look inside I see a small queen sized bed and a chair across from it. It looked completely different from my room. Maybe because there was no desk.

I sat in the chair and explained first my dream. It felt so real that I could remember it almost completely.

"Well? Do you ever think about it?" The question caught me off guard.

" Think about what?" I asked not wanting him to say it.

"Do you ever think about killing someone?" He asked fully.

"I mean...hasnt everyone ever thought about harming someone?" I asked.

"Harming and Killing someone arent the same. " he said.

"Yes, I suppose thats true. Well then...yes. I have thought about both harming and killing people." I tell him. He sits up on his bed smiling.

"Have you ever...harmed someone before?" I thought back to me in america and then back at my dream.

"Yes. I have harmed people before." I say sitting back in Moon Jo's chair.

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