chapter 83

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Song Areum

Areum sat on the edge of the small wooden box in front of the stage while the members finished off their live band rehearsals

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Areum sat on the edge of the small wooden box in front of the stage while the members finished off their live band rehearsals.

The production staff prepared two stripped versions of songs from their last albums and three full-on performances of their songs that topped the charts before their hiatus.

Mr. Son, the group's performance director, stood next to her and Manager Ye Jin. Two of her favorite people amongst the staff.

Those two have been nice to the group since day one, Areum had no reason to resent them, not even one bit. They were nice to her as well, not because she was the CEO's daughter, Mr. Son and Manager Ye Jin were just good people in general.

"It's odd for you to be here and not help with the production team," Mr. Son spoke with a soothing voice.

Areum gazed up at him and smiled before fixing her eyes back on stage. "I know. . . I think I've lost my wits helping the production team. Looking at it now, everything was so complicated and tough."

"This is nothing compared to human anatomy, What's more complicated than that?" Mr. Son chuckled as he made a good point.

Jungkook hit his high note while rehearsing and the three of them got fixated back on stage. His voice was so smooth, so addicting.

Areum should be working on her take home research study. In fact, she shouldn't have taken a leave from the hospital before their Research break itself but despite all those 'should haves', she tailed on her boyfriend's workplace instead.

How could she continue working when what she believed in had been shattered? When an exemplary doctor she looked up to the most turned out to be the same as everyone else?
When being a good doctor means bending some rules too?

She loved helping patients, reading medical books and watching surgery videos or working on their research but was it enough to start over a clean slate, come back and pretend nothing went wrong?

Soon, the members finished rehearsing and started their short meeting on stage. Namjoon led the group and asked each for their own opinions and suggestions.

They all look worried and excited—very much excited. Jungkook never stopped talking about their fans for days. His voice shakes and his eyes widened in pure happiness whenever he mentioned their fans out loud. They make him giddy.

She realized it wasn't only music he loved doing, the man she loved had so much, has fallen in love with their fans too and that was fine.

It seemed like her friends have found the places they belonged to. They found reasons to wake up every day with a smile.

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