chapter 51

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Kim Namjoon

Three days of rest after the Busan and Seoul Fan Meeting, the members returned to their shared apartment building to work on their individual progress to be presented with their Main Producer the next day

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Three days of rest after the Busan and Seoul Fan Meeting, the members returned to their shared apartment building to work on their individual progress to be presented with their Main Producer the next day.

Surprisingly, the members were less tensed before the meeting with one of the CEO/Producer of their music label.

There were a lot of times the members would be too stressed and pressured to talk to each other and see eye to eye. In their almost a decade of living with each other, most of their arguments root from the pressure at work. They get through it though, it's what made them closer. Only because they talk it out. Always.

Fortunately, their recent presentations went smoothly and each member sat patiently in the board meeting hall, listening SongPD's suggestions and commendation to their work.

He was already discussing to them their Grammy appearance next year, turned out most of their schedule was out of the country, mostly in Los Angeles and New York.

The Chairman was extremely in a good mood recently, he'd been throwing jokes here and there—even laughing at Jin's dad jokes a couple of times.

Their meeting was more of like 'catching up' with their boss rather than a what it was like when they were just starting out. They've never hung out easily with SongPD, all seven of them. He was usually calm and reserved. Sometimes he'd asked each member to join him for dinner outside of work individually but even then, most of their talks were all about business, rarely personal.

"I see why you're in charge of the laughter in your group," SongPD complimented Jin in between laughter before calming himself onto his chair in front of the long table.

"Onto a more serious note," he added, adjusting his eyeglasses. "I want to give my gratitude to all of you. . . for helping my daughter come home safe. She must have been a lot to handle during the tour, wasn't she? I apologize for adding that responsibility to you boys."

Namjoon frowned and straightened her posture, about to respond but Yoongi spoke up in his monotone voice.

"She took care of us more than we should have taken care of her. I think she's more responsible and independent than everyone thinks she was. You raised her well, PDnim." Yoongi stated.

"Areum is a good kid," Jin spoke. "The tour was less lonely with her there."

"She cooks well too,"
"And she takes care of us well,"
"Areum is quite funny sometimes when she acts cute without realizing it."

Namjoon smiled, relieved that he wasn't the only one on her side now. This time, he was no longer alone defending her.

Him, along with the other six members experienced the goodness in Areum first hand. She was no longer an empty can that she kept insisting she was.

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