chapter 28

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Song Areum

The sound of fat raindrops against the hard window of the hotel woke Areum from her deep slumber—it seemed colder outside but she was safe and warm on her bed

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The sound of fat raindrops against the hard window of the hotel woke Areum from her deep slumber—it seemed colder outside but she was safe and warm on her bed.

Jungkook laid on his back beside her, he slept so peacefully, not even making a sound as he continued sleeping while it rained outside. He had fallen asleep in her room last night, somehow, both him and Areum gave into slumber in unison all at once. They managed to maintain an appropriate distance from each other even unconsciously.

Areum blinked her weariness away, the sound of rain outside sounded like a lullaby pulling her back to sleep as she glanced up at the LED clock on her bedside table. 5:30 am.

She stretched out her limbs, fluttering her eyelashes before finally pulling herself out of bed.

She shook him up gently, patting his arm to wake him.

"Ya.." her morning voice sounded hoarse as she shakes him. "Il eona." (Wake up.)

He didn't move, it was as if he didn't feel or heard anything, perhaps she was waking him up too gently.

She furrowed her eyebrows together, using both of her hands to shake him with all the morning strength she has, or the lack thereof. Jungkook groaned and turned his back on her, dismissing her attempts to wake him. She gasped quietly, resting both of her hands on her waist, her right foot made its way on his back, shaking him aggressively.

"Get up already," she said, her kicks got a bit more harsh. "Jeon Jungkook, ya!"

"Oh, it's cold," he murmured. "It smells nice here." Jungkook hugged the pillow beside him and cuddled further inside the warm covers, ignoring her vigorous nudges.

The members didn't lie when they said Jungkook was the hardest member to wake up in the morning. He seemed to love sleep more than Yoongi by the looks of it.

She lets out a sigh, resorting to her last and most effective way to wake a resisting soul. Areum sprinted to her bathroom, took a piece of tissue paper and soaked it with cold water. Her palms turned red as she held the ice cold soaked tissue in her hand, then she carried her way back onto Jungkook's side before pitching the soaked tissue like a baseball towards his face which landed like a perfect bullseye, he flinched and sat up from horror as Areum stepped back in shock, realizing she had thrown the ice cold weapon way too rough on his now red terrorized face.

Jana hated it whenever Areum woke her up using her inhumane ice cold tissue technique when she's hangover. Luke secretly resented her for it whenever he'd fall asleep on his desk studying for their exams back in college.

She was never affectionate, nor was she patient enough to spend minutes and minutes of waking them up endearingly.

Areum only softened up a little bit towards the members, for some reasons.

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