twenty seven

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chateau 1:12 pm

i was sat on john b's couch in the living room as kie came walking out of the bathroom. "did you guys know that john b has exactly 26 tiles on his ceiling in the bathroom."

"kie you are so weird sometimes." i stated making john b and pope crack up.

us four were waiting for jj to come back. he said he had something to do and that he would be back later. we were all planning on going for a boat ride before going to the light house tonight, but now we had to wait for jj.

"26, huh?" john b questioned as he walked to the bathroom.

john b stood in the bathroom for a good three minutes before walking out. "okay, so she's right." john b stated making us all crack up again.

"wait, now i gotta see for myself." pope got off the couch and went to the bathroom.

"damn." i said, getting up myself to go see.

pope and i got into the bathroom, counting the tiles.

"12," pope said out loud which messed up my counting.

"you fuck, i lost track." i pushed him plaufully before we both had to restart.

"yep, 26." i said, walking out of the bathroom.

"i counted 27. wait. hold on." pope started to recount again. "nevermind, 26." pope smiled big at us three as he sat next to me on the couch.

the door of the chateau opened and all our attention was on jj, except jj didn't look like jj. jj was cut up and his shirt was ripped. and he didn't have his left shoe on because it was in his hand. jj looked beat up and worn out. he had red knuckles and a cut up lip. he had a bruised jaw and there was blood coming from his mouth and nose.

he looked like he got hit by a truck.

that's when i realized.

why would he go home?

"jj, you're bleeding." john b pointed out as soon as jj dropped his bag.

"i'm fine, seriously."

"why?" kie asked. she looked to have tears in her eyes. she knew where he was. we all did.

"i said i'm fine kie."

"you went home?" kie' s voice was quiet.

"i just needed a couple of things." jj shrugged at her concerns.

"a couple of things? A COUPLE OF THINGS? jj you got a couple of marks and cuts!" kie screamed at him, out of no where.

"shut up, kie."

"no, don't tell me to shut up. you know what happens when you go home. YOU KNOW WHAT HE DOES TO YOU?! don't ever fucking tell me to shut up!" kie was yelling in jj's face now. she was probably two inches away from him.

"fuck you! fuck you, kie. i do what i want."

"and that gets you where? a couple of beatings? a busted lip? doing what you want, when you want always turns out bad. it's like we need to get you a fucking babysitter. i can't deal with you anymore, jj."


"you! i can't deal with YOU anymore!" kie pushed jj, making him stumble back a bit.

"you can't deal with me? you can't deal with a couple cuts on my lip?" jj's face had gone red as he screamed at kie. "i can't deal with you guys. you act like you care, you act like i'm a priority, but then you all turn around and bring cooper back into my life. do you remember what happened when she left? do you remember what i did? who i became? you don't care about me, you don't try to help. you all sit on the side lines and laugh at me. so you know what? fuck you guys. i can't deal with you guys." jj ran out of the chateau.

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