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Camila's Pov
Later that day
I'm with Stiles and Scott in this place that I've never seen before. We're down in this basement kind of place and there's tubes and a smell of faecal matter, we're looking for clues to do with this Beast that has appeared in Beacon Hills. Stiles shines his flashlight over to the right side of the floor and a pool of blood appears in the light. Scott tries to lift up the cabinet but he can't do it on his own. I move to the left and I go down to one side and I help him lift it up.

We go and look down at the hole that was beneath the cabinet and we crawl inside of it. We crawl through the hole and it leads underground. We follow the path and it walks inside the tubed tunnels. Stiles flashes his flashlight along the floor and letters appear in black on the floor.

"What is that?" Stiles asks.

"Looks like lead." Scott says pulling out his phone to take a picture.

"Hey Stiles hold the light still." Scott instructs Stiles as he falls to the floor.

"Aargh." Stiles groans holding his neck.

Scott and I whip our heads around and I see Tracy. She throws a clawed hand at me in attempt to swipe me but I duck and then continue to kick her deep in her gut. She reaches over my shoulder and to Scott but she misses. She comes and attacks me again but I kick her in her gut again, sending her flying backwards and she hits the wall.

Josh comes out of nowhere and attacks Scott. Tracy throws a hard punch at Scott but he catches her fist and plunges her hand into Josh's stomach and they both fall to the floor, paralysed and in pain.

"Sucks doesn't it." Stiles jokes to Josh who flips down besides him.

I turn back around and see Scott growling at a tube. Corey appears and I run and jump over Scott and land in front of Corey.

"Scott leave Corey alone." I growl out at him.

"Okay!" Theo shouts and appears out of the corner.

I growl at him and Scott steps to my side.

"Maybe they're not ready to take on an alpha." Theo taunts looking at Scott before switching his eyes over to me.

"Make that two alphas." he adds and I growl and take a step forward but Scott puts his arm in front of me, holding me back from Theo.

" he adds and I growl and take a step forward but Scott puts his arm in front of me, holding me back from Theo

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"Especially when they can smell fear." Theo says looking at Corey.

"He's got fangs and I don't want to fight Camila." Corey says looking at me.

I send him a small smiles which he returns.

"Why are you being buddy buddy with my man Corey, Camila?" Theo asks.

"Because I stick with the people I care about, you should try it some time." I growl lowly at him.

"What did you do?" Scott asks Theo.

"Found some new friends. I don't take rejection very well." he says to us.

"Clearly." I say growling at Theo again as Scott holds me back in case I go off on one.

"Hey Theo." Stiles greets him from the floor.

"Stiles." Theo sends him back a smirk as he stomps his foot hard onto the ground, causing the letters to destroy and fade away.

"Your gonna leave here thinking you need to worry about me, but your wrong. Actually we're back on the same side. Because that thing, that's what we need to worry about." Theo says.

"Your pack and mine. We're gonna go back to school and pretend we're normal teenagers but at night we'll be fighting for our lives." Theo states.

"What is it?" Stiles asks from the floor as I help him up.

"It's a chimera." Theo says as I go and help Josh up off the floor.

"It's a kid underneath it." Scott says.

"Not anymore." Theo says.

I hand Josh to Corey and Theo's pack turn to leave when Josh turns around.

"It's nice to see you again Camila." he says smiling at me guiltily.

"You too." I say as I go and prop Stiles against the wall and I sit next to him and Scott.

"He knew what it meant but I can't remember the words." Scott says.

"Damnatio Memoriae." Stiles says.

"It means that whatever the Dread Doctors created, whatever the last chimera technically is, it's not something new." Stiles adds.

"It's something old." I finish off for Stiles.

"So they didn't create a creature, they resurrected one." Scott says.

Scott draws the inner circle of the pack symbol in the sand on the floor.

"We need help." he sighs.

"If Theo's got his own pack then we need ours back." Scott says.

"We have to get the others back." I say.

"The others who hate us right now?" Stiles questions.

"Correction they hate us two not Camila, but anyways they're also our best friends." Scott interrupts.

"Okay how?" Stiles questions.

"One by one."

"Your not seriously gonna make me do it?"Stiles sighs looking at Scott.

"Your part of the pack right?" Scott asks him.

"Okay." Stiles nods and draws the outer circle of the pack symbol.

The two of them just stare at each other in a happy way and I get bored and draw a penis in the sand besides it and next thing I know Scott and Stiles are snorting at me.

"Hey I'm bored over here, maybe that's my pack symbol." I joke and they chuckle lightly.

Scott asks me to get Stiles whilst he tries to find our way back out. I pick Stiles up and wrap my arm around his waist and start walking with him.

"You still like him don't you?" Stiles asks and I know he's referring to Theo.

"I don't like people who hurt the people I love." I state and Stiles just smiles at me slightly as I help him hobble back to Scott.

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