Chapter 19: Is This Love?

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    I felt numb laying in bed that night remembering the question Suga had asked me.

  "Is it bad to feel like you can never have the person you love?"
  What did Suga possibly mean?

Who was the person he suddenly couldn't grasp in the terms of love.

I rolled over to my side letting out a loud sigh, I felt so uncomfortable in my large bed.

  I kicked off the covers my bare feet hitting the cold floor as I walked out of my room.

  The sudden itch in my throat begged for water, obeying I went downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

  I walked down the stair case my steps making the wooden floor creak its sound bouncing off the hollow walls.

   Tomorrow was the trip to Jeju Island and I hadn't even began to pack my things, I would just do it at last minute like usual.

The little girl in me couldn't wait to see the ocean and feel the sea breeze but the women of me wanted to shut the little girl up.

Suga P.O.V


The sound of clock rang in my ears, as if signaling me that Daehyun would enter any moment for his money.

I didn't have the money.

Halmeoni's medical bills had been overdue so I had to pay the fee and the store was running low on profit.

  My pulse ran wild.

What was I going to do?

I can't let Daehyun hurt Solbi or halmeoni.

As if on cue the doorbell on the entrance sounded.

Daehyun entered his gaze averting over the store just as he took off his sunglasses.

  I wanted to run.

But I'm Min Yoongi I don't run from my troubles I face my fears.

"The money." Daehyun demanded eyeing me from my head to my sneakers.

  "I dont have it " I kept my tone cool but inside my heart was hammering in terror.

  Daehyun chuckled, the sarcastic smirk turning quickly into violence.

I felt as he knocked me to the ground the wind in my chest leaving me paralyzed.

I hadn't seen this coming.

I was soon on the ground my ears drums ringing at the feeling of my skull hitting the rock-hard pavement.

  Daehyun let go of my throat stepping back, a vein popping from his neck as his jawline tightened.

I could feel the pool of blood seeping from my head.

  "Wheres my money?" He asked once again.

  I moved swiftly getting to my feet before shoving him to the ground.

  I felt two arms grab me.

It was Daehyun's men.

I felt myself being thrown to the ground punches coming from all directions.

  I groaned as my body twisted in pain.

The men stomped on me viciously until my body became numb.

  My mind went blank the dark night seeming to fade from my vision.

  All I could picture was her smile.

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