Suddenly Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty

Beautiful Blur

Relieved and without stress was the best way to describe how I felt after knowing that Dean wasn't a threat. I took the next few days and weeks easy, Dean was my assistant and he did help me a lot.

In the midst of the blissful chaos of everything that was going on Havana and I decided to get away with a quiet dinner. She said she needed to tell me something important. At the restaurant we sat adjacent to each other, snug at a small round table. The red tablecloth rubbed gently against my skin as ever so smoothly, the scent of Arabic scented candles filled the room.

We held hands and stared at each other for a moment or two that's when another suddenly moment decided to crash land in my world.

"I'm pregnant!" Havana said

I heard her say those words but my brain couldn't decipher what it meant exactly. I paused for a few minutes to rationalize everything before responding in the correct manner.

"What do you mean you're pregnant?"

"I'm pregnant, we're going to have a baby", Havana smiled and said.

A rush of different emotions began to fill me as I started to realize what she just said. We had another month to go until the wedding and being pregnant wasn't a part of the master plan.

Aside from all the spanners in the wedding works, I was happy; I was extremely overjoyed that we were going to have a baby soon. We had been intimate just the once and it obviously didn't take much for us to conceive. It was a blessing and I for one was not going to be subtle about how glad I was.

Of course we were Christian and sex before marriage was frowned upon so we had to tread carefully with this new found information. Havana was two months along and she had no physical signs of her be with child.

I had always wanted a bouncing baby boy and we weren't sure if it was a boy or a girl just yet, either which way, I would be eternally thankful to God for a healthy baby. Havana's mum already knew the good news but my parents were the sticklers and I didn't know how to tell them. They could possibly be upset or maybe even be happy, it could go either way. I had to tell them never the less.

At the restaurant we had ordered food and soft drinks but the next day I found it very difficult to even remember what I ate, it was all a beautiful blur. That next morning I sat my dad and mum down after making breakfast for them and I told them that Havana was pregnant and that she was two months along. I waited silently and anxiously for them to react. Almost like an airplane taking off from the runway dad and mum leaped off the ground at the mention of a baby, dad was so excited with the thought of him becoming a grand dad.

I was relieved that they had taken the news so well, but we had to keep this between the immediate families. Havana's body was doing its part by not revealing the bun in the oven so it made it easier for us to keep the secret alive.

That last month went by faster than we expected and before we knew it, it was the wedding day, we were hearing wedding bells and trying to get our outfits and affairs in order for the wedding. It was a warm winter morning with a slight breeze in the air, but conditions were conducive for a good wedding forecast.

"Everybody on board, this is your captain speaking. Ladies get your make up and dresses in order early and make sure the bath rooms and change areas are vacant for the groomsmen to prepare themselves for departure".

I had set my alarm to get up which gave me ample time to get myself ready and to be at the venue early. Everything worked out well and fell into place, everyone was on schedule and keeping to their times.

We got into our cars and headed off to the venue. The train of cars was like the tail of a dragon on the highway, ribbons and colorful balloons were decorated on all the cars. It was a road parade and a spectacle, the other cars in traffic slowed down and let us pass, people took photos and stared at the retinue and entourage. We were literally stopping traffic.

I couldn't wait another minute to see my bride. Entering the hall I was a nervous wreck but in a good way, my entourage of groomsmen tagged along with me as we took our places at the front of the Church. The waiting was the worst part, I couldn't help think about those movies where the bride ran away or bailed out at the last second. How would I deal with it if Havana had left me hanging at the altar?

I couldn't dwell on thoughts like that; my bride was on the way. The music started to play, here comes the bride; it was played never as sweetly as it was at that given moment. I watched her gracefully walk towards me, step after step, she got closer and closer, soon she would be with me forever, this staggered walk towards me was almost like her teasing me for the last time before she becomes mine forever.

Her long white dress hugged her gorgeous body like a shapely glass vase holds an adorned rose, she almost floated off the ground when she walked, and her veil covered her face transparently allowing me just enough to see just how beautiful she was. I couldn't believe that this girl was mine.

A rush of happiness began to slowly fill my chest cavity, I felt intoxicated with her, she was flowing through me as I watched her stare me down with a smile that lit up everything. The Minister began the formalities and asked us to repeat our vows; we had chosen traditional vows like how it was done from the dawn of time. I hadn't thought of it any other way but that, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in help, till death do us part, we couldn't get any more perfect than those words.

"You may kiss the bride", he said, and our lips followed suit as the crowd cheered and clapped. We were finally married!

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