Suddenly Chapter 38

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Chapter Thirty Eight

Calm Storm

The next few days I had avoided BE and I kept to myself. I didn't want to create a situation that didn't exist; I just wanted God to do His thing. I had bigger things to be concerned about.

The news on TV and the broadcasts on radio were talking about the storm that was fast approaching. Storms here tend to be extremely dangerous and most families leave town to find refuge in other towns further away from the storm.

Dad and mum were planning on leaving as well but I wasn't feeling up to it, I wanted to stay put and ride the storm out, Havana's memory was still within these walls and I didn't want to leave the comfort of these walls. On one last effort dad and mum came over trying to persuade me to come along with them but I wasn't having it. So dad suggested that they take Evana with them, Evana was very comfortable with dad and mum and she spent most of her day with them so having her with them wasn't an issue.

I agreed on Evana going along with my parents, she would be much safer with them than with me here in this storm. They stopped by with their pick-up truck fully packed and they took Evana along with them.

The storm was fast approaching as I watched my parents drive off with my daughter. The angry clouds blackened the afternoon sun, cars were driving away at all sides, soon the chatter of voices were gone, the birds from the cedars evacuated along with all the other animals, except for me. I was a species unmovable.

An hour or so passed and the rain began to fall from the heavens, like tears from the eyes of God, plummeting down like fallen angels, hitting the thirsty ground with explosive velocity.

Like a pot to boil this storm was ready to overflow the rim. I had nailed the windows shut and sealed off any crevices that may let any water in. The house was secure and fastened down, it was a vault, and I felt like one of those doomsday people I had seen on TV.

Just then, a red Jeep pulled up on my driveway, it was BE, she scrambled out and navigated herself to my front door amidst the rainfall. She was drenched and cold; I let her in and gave her a towel to dry off.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Your parents called and said that you were still here and refused to go with them, so I thought I'd come over and keep you company" she replied.

I was happy to see her and I could use the company. She dried off in front of the fire place and we sipped on warm mugs of hot chocolate. Her wet hair just added to her already sizzling sex appeal. It was difficult to look her in the eye when we spoke; my nervousness was reaching an all time high.

She was different, watching her sit on the rug with me I realized that the girl I remember from high school had grown up. I was taken aback by her but I was still very much aware of everything that had happened.

"What are you doing here, really?" I snapped at her.

"Do you really want to know the truth? Do you really want to know why I am here? Well....I'll tell you!.....I took a long time, yes I did, maybe I wasn't as ready as you were, I have always been very different in comparison to you, I take more time with things perhaps. I didn't know you cared about me the way you did, I thought you were just another guy saying things that I wanted to hear. So I pushed you away, I pushed you away because I felt something for you too. But I had to make you believe that I didn't care because I had so much to do, so much to prove and achieve. My parents were counting on me to do well in school and to get into a good university and to make something of myself. I needed to get my parents out of the place we were living in. So I put my head down and studied my butt off but not for a moment did I stop caring about you, not for a moment did I stop thinking about you. After you there were many guys who wanted to date me but I couldn't, I just couldn't be with them, you are all I could think about. You set the bar so high that nobody could come close. Can't you see where I am? Can't you see? I'm on the floor, drenched, hungry, cold, yet this is exactly where I want to be. I want my partner back. It took me a while but I now know that it was always you, all this time."

We both stared at each other for a minute or more, tears rolled down her cheeks as well as mine. She put her warm hands on my face and wiped my tears away.

"No more crying, please....I love you" she whispered.

She leaned forward and kissed my lips and I kissed her too. I lost myself in that kiss; her soft lips made everything disappear. The storm outside, the flashes of lightening, the crashing thunder, the ghastly wind, all seemed to grow ever so dim.

A silent pause existed in a moment that felt like a lifetime, I looked at her as she looked at me. I was unsure if this was real or my imagination getting the best of me. Possibly, I had been knocked out by something that had fallen on me with the violent thunderous weather. Possibly I was in a day dream, dreaming up impossible things.

As I felt the warm touch of her hand on mine, I focused on what was happening as my mind painted a picture of the glow of the fire that lit her face. I couldn't resist anymore and we kissed again, this time I leaned in, I surrendered myself to her calming storm.

Had God taken all this time to answer a prayer that I had made when I was just a boy? I couldn't figure it out but I knew God had His hand in the mix and He was in control of everything that was happening. I felt a bit like that guy Job from The Bible. God had taken everything away from him but soon after God restored everything back in a double portion. Did God send BE to help me heal from the loss of Havana?

My head was a spinning tornado and all I knew is that I was in a place of comfort, snuggled in front of the fire place with a woman who I thought had hated me all my life and now was showing me affection.

We were in a survival situation and we had much to do, our concentration levels had to be at a high if we were to survive this storm. We were alert of any sudden noises or the fall of trees outside the house. I was glad to have her close to me during this storm, I was going to protect her.

"I'm never going to let you go this time", I whispered to her.

To Be Continued.....After the storm....

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