Suddenly Chapter 32

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Chapter Thirty Two

The little bump

Back home we eased into things again, getting into the routine of day to day life. Havana and I were just getting settled into our new place. It was exciting and fresh, moving in, deciding what interior décor we would prefer in each room of the house. We had to model a baby room, it was a reality now, Havana was a few months along and our baby was on the way.

We had decided on not knowing what the gender of the baby was, we wanted it to be surprising. It felt surreal being a father to be, I'd spend quiet moments in the baby room, drifting into daydreams of myself holding a mini version of me in my arms. The concept of holding a brand new life in my arms left me saturated, deep and submerged in the intensity of love. I honestly could not contain the wait of holding my baby.

Havana's tummy had a little bump nowadays and people were starting to take notice and congratulate us everywhere we went. We spent our time in the DIY section of most convenient stores, choosing floorboards and color co-ordinations for curtains and the right wall colors. Together we painted the rooms in our new home, bought our first couch together and of course a big screen TV. The TV and couch were a must for those romantic nights watching football together, well I'd watch and she'd be asleep next to me under her fleece blanky.

We enjoyed each others' company; I now couldn't do a single thing with her. I found myself wanting to tell her everything I did in my day or letting her know about something that I had seen or that had happened. We'd spend hours in bed just talking and sharing our day with each other. Although some nights we'd be dog tired, somehow the conversation at night revitalized us, Havana loved to yakety yak and I can't say that I didn't enjoyed adding in my two cents.

Coming home to her was the best part of my day, she'd sometimes be covered in blotches of colorful paint, and she was irresistible to kiss. Havana was exceptionally artistic and she had painted a mural of jungle animals in the baby room. Having her add her special touch to everything made our house a home.

We definitely had the maximum dose of fun pimping up our new place; our home had our identity stamped all over it. By now we had kissed and made love in every room and almost every time we did DIY stuff around the house. I, we, was as happy, as a couple in love could be. I knew now why there had been wars and killings in the past, unsolved murders and massive losses of life, all for one thing, for this things called love.

In God's wide world everyone yearns to find that one special person to love and to be loved by. Once you find that love, it's a feeling that cannot be matched; it's worth dying for, worth walking the distance for, worth lying for, stealing for, worth doing anything for. Once you have it, don't ever let it go, not for anything.

Everything seems brighter, more beautiful, everything smells better, and life has a different sense of meaning. I was twist turned upside down; I had Michael Bolton singing in my head all day, sunshine all around me and sunflowers growing out of my pockets.

We had gone to the hospital for Havana's monthly check ups and the baby was doing fine. Just a few more weeks and we'd have our bundle of joy enter our lives. Both her mum and my parents were anxiously in wait of becoming grandparents. At dinner time all we could talk about was the baby and how happy we'd be when the baby comes. I was in no disillusion though, I knew that a baby was going to be hard work and that we'd have to give up most of our time for the baby rather than spending evenings cuddling on the sofa with a good movie and pop corn.

The craziest part of it all was our shopping trips and buying new preggy clothing for Havana. She was amazing in every way, even in her pregnancy, she glowed and radiated with beauty. Her cute bump just added more sweetness to her. Havana was going to be an amazing mum, I was so thankful to God for giving me my dreams. I had a wonderful supportive wife who now is going to be an even better mother, wow I thought!

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