Oh gyu..

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Sorry i didnt update for a while..

"Im doing okay mom" Mingyu replied as Mrs. Kim placed a bowl of seaweed soup infront of him, "thats good!" She replied with a soft smile, making her way back to the kitchen to most likely get more food for dinner. "What about that Seokmin guy? Are you still friends with him?" His dad asked, pulling the chair away from the table to sit next to him. "I dont think he'll ever stop bothering me" Mingyu joked, making his little sister and dad chuckle at his words. A light nod came from Mr. Kim, "He was quite the guy," he remarked before moving onto a different topic.

Yes, Mingyu was in his parents house tonight. He figured he should visit them, its been a while since he has. During his stay, he's seen baby pictures of himself, his old room, his dog that he probably missed the most- and now he was currently on the dining table having dinner with his family to end his stay.

"How are you with Seohyun? Havent seen her since you were fourteen!" His mom yelled from the kitchen, already moving the topic to her son's lovelife. Upon hearing the question, Mingyu's heart started beating a little more faster, he knew where they were going with this, and he didnt like it. "Yeah Seohyun! Have you made your move son? She was a really nice girl afterall" Mr. Kim spoke again, and Mingyu was right, this would always happen when he was here. The casual questions about who he was dating never really fazed the boy before, he always shrugged it off and would always reply with "No one" easily, but now that he had a lover..

After he had gotten into the relationship, he started to ignore the silly questions about who his lover was, and instead he would just laugh it off or switch the subject. Today was different though, and he wanted to finally come clean.

He was going to come out.

It was a scary decision, considering the fact that he didnt know if his parents would accept him or not. Though, he decided that he needed to tell them eventually and that he shouldnt keep hiding it. And today was the day he'd do so.

"Me and her are still good friends, not dating though.." he muttered a bit more silently, "oh- well thats fine, theres plenty more fish in the sea" His sister spoke out of nowhere from beside him, a grin on her face to show that she was somewhat re-assuring him, but that only made Mingyu's heart sink even more. He didnt even know if his own sister would support him, if she was okay with the LGBTQ community, and seeing her sister distance herself because of that reason would break him even more. "Yeahh" he simply responded, wanting to end the conversation about it already.

It ended sooner than he thought it would, because the moment his mom was done with transfering all the dishes from the kitchen to the dinner table, the topic was already about how Minji was doing great in her class. Mingyu felt relieved it did, but somewhat disappointed because he couldnt bring it up and end it right then and there. Maybe he could do it another time, he thought, but no- he needed to get it over with.

Dinner suprisingly went by smoothly, and the Kim family was now gathered in their living room, just sitting and conversing again before Mingyu would finally make his leave.

"Is there really no special girl Mingyu? I'd love to see her if there was" his mom asked, and Mingyu's heart immediately started beating rapidly in fear once again. He didnt expect them to bring it up again, but now they did, he didnt want to run away from it. He would finally tell them, and though he was scared, he needed to.

So with a deep breath, he started, "uh..Mom, Dad- Im not dating any girls cause im.." he trailed off for a bit, observing his parent's facial expressions to try and see what their reactions will be. "You're what?" His dad spoke with furrowed brows, it seems as if he knew where Mingyu was going, and he didnt like it either. "Im gay" the boy finally stated, letting out a breath he knew he was holding. He thought they would react differently, he thought they would be shocked but then console him, but no.

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