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Something's wrong, but I can't figure out what.

"Pike? Are you okay?"

What kinda question is that B? Of course he's not okay.

"I... I'm not sure I... OW!"

What the hell is up? We have to do something.

He starts having some kind of seizure.

No... this... this can't be happening.

"Oh, god..."

"More like hell god... or at least, close enough."

What is she talking about? I can't focus on that though. Maybe Red can help.

"Red? Red can you do something?"

Willow comes over and looks him over.

"I... I'm not sure."

That's not going to help.

"Then get sure, fast."

She starts trying to look for whatever's wrong.

"I... I don't know..."

The thing that looks like Cordy decides to speak up.

"Let me save you some time then. Pike's body has been sharing the same space as Wrath ever since Dawn used her powers to merge the two of them. The space was stable after Dawn did it, but the spell you cast to let him retain his memories in Dawn's world made it unstable. Which is why he collapsed when he found Buffy and Angel in Los Angeles. He was stable enough to accomplish his mission. But now..."

Buffy seems to clue in.

"He's unstable. Oh god..."

No, there has to be something.

"Red, can you... can you do anything?"

She looks at me.

"There's one thing I can try."

"Then do it."

Willow takes a deep breath, centring herself. The magic comes off her and it makes my skin tingle.

Hopefully this works.

She reaches out and touches his chest. A light shines on him from her hand and expands to cover his whole body. Quickly, he stops shaking, but he passes out. It has me letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

Thank god.

"Thanks Red."

She hasn't got the happiest look on her face.

"I'm not sure how long it will last."

The Cordy thing speaks up.

"Not long, unfortunately."

How does that work?

"How would you know?"

She doesn't respond right away.

"Omnipresent, remember? I can see Wrath too and he's not happy. With his powers, he's not going to be contained for long."

Does that mean?

"Is he why things are unstable?"

"No... but he's not helping with keeping it stable. The longer he pushes the boundaries, the harder it's going to be for them to share the same body. I'm guessing you don't need to know what happens then."

Willow picks it up from there.

"Whoever's strongest wins."

That... that can't happen. We have to find a way to fix things.

"Then... then we'll do something. We'll fix it, right B?"

She doesn't respond right away.

"I... we can try."


"We gotta do more than try. We have to save him."

B turns to her best friend.

"Will? What do you think?"

It takes her a second to think about it.

"I'll, need some time."


"He might not have time."

"He has enough. And if we're not careful, it could kill him."


I look at Pike, unconscious.

I've lost Dawn, I can't lose Pike too. That would be too much.

 That would be too much

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Absolute Destiny (Book 5) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now