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What the hell is going on?

"Cordy? I... I don't understand. What's going on?"

She smiles at me with a strangely comforting expression.

"Like I said, it's complicated."

Faith speaks up but her voice is weak from crying.

"Complicated like you're a dead person standing in front of us?"

Cordy's dead?

"What do you mean?"

It takes Faith a second to answer.

"Angel told me that Cordy died. Something about an apocalypse I was helping with."

A voice comes from behind us.

"She's right. Whatever that is, it's not Cordy... at least not totally."


I turn to where Angel's voice is coming from to see him slowly getting to his feet. Connor is doing the same.

"Not totally?"

Connor tries to explain.

"This... thing... it smells like Cordy, but there's something else. Something... powerful."

Powerful? That doesn't sound good.

Faith gets the question out before I do.

"Powerful like... evil? Is it that thing you told me about?"

Angel comes back at that.

"No... it's different. It smells... like good."

Cordy chuckles at his words.

"Oh come now Angel, I've always smelled good, haven't I?"

It definitely sounds like Cordy at least. Although I haven't seen her in years.

Cordy turns her attention back to me and Faith as we start to get up.

"I know you've got a lot of questions after everything. I was sent here by The Powers to answer them when you're up for it."

What does she mean by that?

"When we're up for it?"

"You've been through a lot in the last few years. It's going to take some time to process everything. They thought it might be better to give you the time. That way you're better prepared for the answers."

She's giving us answers? To what?

"Answers to what?"

Cordy doesn't answer right away.

"Answers to things you're not ready for."

She turns around, walking away.

"Just ask for me and I'll be there when you're ready."

The further away she gets, the less visible she gets. Eventually she just disappears.

Well that gave me more questions than answers.

Someone groans and I turn to see Xander sitting up.

Oh my god...

"Are you all right?"

I'm about to move towards him when he holds up his hand.

"I'm... fine... apparently."

He checks himself over, pulling up his shirt to see that there's no knife wound where Anya stabbed him.

He's okay? How is he okay?

"You're... okay?"

"All healed up... I think."

Another groan happens before they speak.

"So am I, by the way."

Wait, what?

Anya sits up, trying to check herself over.

Anya's alive? This doesn't make any sense.

"How are you even here?"

There's a long silence as Anya tries to figure things out.

"I have no idea."

I guess there's more than one question to answer.

I guess there's more than one question to answer

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Absolute Destiny (Book 5) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now