Next day

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'So, we're back in 1985, huh?' I say as I sit down on Marty's bed, after putting on a pyjama, taking off my make-up and undoing my hair.
'Yeah, guess so...' He sits down next to me.
'Well that was pretty crazy...'
'Sure was.'

'Marty?' I look at him with a concerned look.
'Yeah? Is something wrong?'
'I need you to make a choice.'
'About what?' He says confused.
'Who do you pick?'
'What do- What do you mean?'
'Your girlfriend, Jennifer, or me?'
'Oh shit, I forgot about her...'
'If you forgot about her, she's not important enough for you. You don't forget someone that is extremely important to you.'
'I'm confused, I-I don't know.'
'Tell me later, for now. Let's sleep. It's late...'


🎵Take me away, I don't mind, but you better promise me, I'll be back in time!🎵
🎵Gotta get back in time!🎵
🎵Gotta get back in time!🎵
🎵Get me back in time!🎵

'What a nightmare...' Marty's soft voice booms through the room.
'What did you say?' I yawn. I slowly sit up. Marty turns around and looks at me like he just saw a ghost.
'I-I said 'what a nightmare'... Y/n... Why are you- Why are you here?'
'Because my dad is 30 years into the future? Marty, we talked about that last night...' I sit next to him and intertwine our fingers.
'Right, sorry...?'

He looks at me for a moment before heading downstairs.
I follow him, after I quickly put on some normal clothes.

'Marty, are you okay?' I run after him.
'Oh yeah, yeah! Totally fine!'
'Okay? If you say so, I guess...'

He walks past the front door, only to go immediately back a second later.

'I thought that your living room looked different...' I whisper to him.
'It did...' He whispers back.

'If Paul calls me, tell him I'm working at the boutique tonight.' Linda, Marty's older sister says to Marty's older brother, Dave.
'Linda, first of all. I'm not your answering service, second of all. Somebody named Greg or Craig called for you a little while ago.'
'Well, which one was it? Greg or Craig?'
'I don't know. I can't keep up with all of your boyfriends!'

'Hey!' Marty interrupts their conversation. 'What the hell is this?'
'Breakfast.' Linda replies bluntly.
'Did you sleep in your clothes again last night? And how many girlfriends do you have?' Dave looks at me, I give him a shy wave.
'What? Yeah, I-I did and what do you mean with- Nevermind. Doesn't matter. But yeah, I did. What are- What are you wearing, Dave?'
'Marty, I always wear a suit to the office.' Dave says, while stirring his drink.
'You alright?'

'This is really weird, don't you think?' I whisper to Marty.
'Yeah...' He looks around his house in awe.

'I think we need a rematch, George.' Lorraine says to her husband as they enter the room.
'Oh, a rematch? Why? Were you cheating?' He answers playfully.
'No.' She laughs.

'Hello!' George says to his children.
'Good morning.' Lorraine laughs. 'Oh, good to see you, Y/n!' She smiles.
'Hello Mrs. Mcfly.' I say politely.

When did she become so, so happy and thin and since when does she like me? She used to dislike me, because my father is considered dangerous.

'Marty!' I exclaim as Marty falls down at the sight of his parents. 'Are you okay?' I kneel down next to him.
'Mom! Dad!' He quickly stands up.
'Wh- Did you hit your head?' George asks his son, I stand up.
'Marty, are you alright?' Lorraine asks concerned.

'You guys- You guys look great! Mom, you look so- so thin.'
'Why thank you, Marty.' She smiles. 'George!' She exclaims out of nowhere.

'Oh Jesus...' I mumble.
'I know exactly what you mean...' Marty quickly glances over at me.

'Good morning, sleepy head.' Lorraine goes over to kiss her son on the cheek. 'Good morning, Y/n.' She smiles to me.
'Good morning.'
'Have I ever told you that you look an awful lot like a girl I went to school with for a week?'
'Uhm, no? Not that I know of?'

Jesus, she's talking about me...

'Oh, what was her name again?' She frowns as she tries to remember my name from 1955.
'Jules Y/n Brookes.' George tells her.
'Right, Jules Y/n Brookes.' A smile crosses her lips. 'Maybe she's your biological mom.'
'Uhm, yeah? I don't know a woman named Jules Y/n Brookes tho.' I explain. 'And even if I did, she couldn't be my biological mom, my mom's last name was Morales, not Brookes.'
'Oh... Well, okay. Good morning, Dave and Linda!' She turns towards her other children.

'Good morning, mom.' They say in unison.
'Oh, Marty. I almost forgot. Jennifer Parker called.' Linda looks up from her food.

Whoo! Jennifer... I hate her so much. Why can't she just- Nevermind.

'I sure like her Marty, she's such a sweet girl! Isn't tonight the night of the big date?'

Date? Okay, I was just someone he wanted to try out, that's for sure.

'What? What, ma?' A confused look washes over Marty's face.
'Aren't you going up to the lake? You've been planning it for two weeks.'

Yup, just someone he wanted to try out, I'm nothing to him, exept for his friend. Best friend.

'M-Mom, we talked about this. How can I go to the lake? The car's wrecked.' A smile crawls onto my lips.

Haha, can't go to the lake with your stupid girlfriend.

'Wrecked?' Linda, Dave, Mrs. And Mr. Mcfly say in unison.
'What happened to the car?'
'When did that happen?' A frown replaces my smile.

Okay, maybe it's not wrecked. God damn it!

'I'm sure the car is fine!' George walks to the door and opens the door. He shows us Biff who is waxing the car.

Stupid car! Be broken! Please! That way they can't go to the stupid lake.

'Uhm, now Biff. I want to make sure that as get two coats of wax this time, not just one.' A shiver runs down my spine as I look at Biff and think of what he did to Lorraine and me back in 1955.
'I'm just finishing up the second coat now.' Biff responds.
'Now Biff, don't con me!' George yells at him.
'I'm sorry, Mr. Mcfly. I meant I was just starting on the second coat!'
'Ah, Biff, what a character.'

A very stupid one that is, just like Jennifer. God! Why did I think that our moments even meant anything? He'll always choose Jennifer, I've seen the way he looks at her. He doesn't like me like that, he doesn't look at me like that. I'm just someone he wanted to try out.

The others continue to talk, while I get caught up in my thoughts.

'You coming, Y/n?' Marty says, I snap out of my thoughts and nod. We walk outside and he opens the garage.

(A/N: Heya! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! While your at it, we could become friends on Instagram or Snapchat! My Instagram is Melonwriter and my Snapchat is CDraaisma2020 )

To the past {Marty Mcfly x reader} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now