The cafe

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'Marty!' George runs across the street towards us. A car honks at him, but he doesn't care. 'Marty! Marty!'
'Hey, George, buddy!' Marty smiles.
'Hi George!' I say to the taller boy.
'Hey...' He pants.
'You weren't at school. What have you been doing all day?' Marty asks his father.
'I overslept. Look I need your help. I have to ask Lorraine out, but I don't know how to do it.' George explains.

'Oooh!' I hum in a sing-song way.
'You need to stop, Y/n/n.' Marty laughs.
'Whatever, mr. Purple underwear.'
'I'm sorry, I think I missed something. Are you two dating?' George asks.
'No.' We say quickly.
'Uhm... Okay, if you say so...'

'All right, listen. Lorraine is over in the cafe.' Marty tries to open a bottle but fails. 'God, how do y-' George grabs it and opens it for him.

George starts to run over to the cafe and Marty and I run after him.

'Hey, George? What made you change your mind?' I yell at him.
'Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan an- Wait, how do you know about that?' He stops for a second.
'Oh, erm...'

Think of something! Anything!

'Darth Vader told me to help you! He told me that a boy named George Mcfly needed help asking Lorraine out, because he thought that she didn't like him!' I lie. 'So, tell us!'
'He came to you too?' His eyes grow wide and his lips part a bit. I nod in response and he continues. 'Oh wow! Anyways, like I was saying, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and he told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out, that he'd melt my brain.'
'Yeah, well, let's just keep this brain-melting stuff to ourselves, okay?'
'Oh, yeah, yeah.'

'All right, okay. There she is, George.' Marty points at her. 'Now just go in there and invite her.'
'Okay, but I don't know what to say...' He complains.
'Just say anything, George!' Marty takes a sip from his drink. 'Say whatever's natural, the first thing that comes into your mind.'

George pauses for a second.

'Nothing's coming into my mind!'
'Jesus, George. It's a wonder I was even born.' Marty sighs.
'I know right!' I laugh.
'What? What?'
'Nothing, nothing, nothing!'

'Look. Tell her destiny brought you together.' Marty turns his head towards me and our eyes lock. 'Tell her that she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen in the world. Girls like that stuff.' A blush spreads over my cheeks, so I quickly look at George's notebook.
'No we don't, atleast not in that way.' I point at George's notebook.
'What do you mean?' Marty turns around. 'What're- What are you doing, George?'
'I'm writing this down. This is good stuff.'

'Yeah, okay. Let's go.' Marty runs a hand through George's hair. 'Can you take care of that?'
'Oh, right...' George starts fixing his hair.

We go to the cafe and push George inside.

'Do you really think that this is going to work?' I ask Marty.
'It has to...' He mumbles. A few seconds later we also enter and we sit behind a few people, so that Lorraine won't spot Marty.

'Lou, give me a milk.' George slams his hand on the table. 'Chocolate.' Someone slides the chocolate milk towards him and he takes one big sip, before slamming it down again and wiping his chocolatemilk mustache away with his sleeve.

George walks over to her and starts talking to her, I can hardly hear what he's saying.

'Let's move a little bit closer.' I suggest, he agrees and we go sit somewhere else.

'Yes! Yes! I'm George. George Mcfly.' He says in his usual nervous tone. 'I'm your density.'
'Oh no.' I pinch the bridge of my nose.
'What? What did he say?'
'He said density instead of destiny...'
'Oh God...'

'I mean, your destiny.' He corrects himself.

'Marty...' I tap his shoulder.
'Hmm?' He looks at me.
'Biff.' I point at him.

(A/N: Heya! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! While your at it, we could become friends on Instagram or Snapchat! My Instagram is Melonwriter and my Snapchat is CDraaisma2020 )

To the past {Marty Mcfly x reader} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now