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'Mom! I'm home!' Lorraine opens the door for me.
'Hello dear, oh, hello Y/n.' Mrs. Baines smiles.
'Hello, mrs. Baines.'

We wait till the other girls arrive and we watch some classic movies, well classic for me, new for them.

'Oh, Lady and the Tramp! That's such a fun movie!' I smile.
'Have you seen it already?'
'Yeah! Multiple times, it was my favourite when I was younger.'
'That's not possible, this film came out a few weeks ago...'
'Oh.' I pause for a second. 'It was a joke, I've seen this one once before, but of course I haven't seen it when I was younger, that's not possible...' I say sheepishly. They laugh awkwardly and continue to watch the movie.


'And she just took off his pants! Can you believe that!' I laugh.
'No way!' Betty exclaims.
'Yeah! He had purple underwear! Purple!' Lorraine gasps. 'And he's really really cute as you could see the other day, so I aksed him to the dance!'
'Really! What did he say?'
'He said yes of course!'

'So that's two who have a date.' Babs sighs. 'Only Y/n and I still need a date.'

I could just ask George and then make sure that he'll go with Lorraine...

'Or do you already have someone, Y/n?' I snap out of my thoughts.
'Erm, no, but I am planning on asking someone...'
'Who?' Lorraine says interested.
'Well since you didn't like him and I have no one, I'll just ask George Mcfly...'
'Mcfly? Really?' Betty gives me a disgusted look.
'Yeah..' My mind wonders off to Marty. 'He's cute, can be really funny, is really talented...' I snap out of my thoughts when I hear the girls laugh.

'You like George!' Babs exclaims and points at me.
'You're in love with George Mcfly!' Lorraine adds.
'What, no, I'm not!' I defend.
'Yes you are!' They start teasing me.
'Well- I- erm...'

The hell am I supposed to say! I can't say that I like Marty, because Loraine will tell him and she'll be heartbroken that I like him.

'You guys know that I have a boyfriend right?' I say as I remember that time from the cafe.

'Well hello, what's your name?' Biff smirked at me.
'Hi... My name is Jules.' I looked at Marty and gave him a "help this is fucking disgusting" look.
'Are you new here? I can show you around, y'know. Through town, the school, my house, my room.' His smirk grew wider.
'O-Oh, erm... Actually I'm not new here. I'm staying at my uhm... Grandparents their house...' I lied.
'I could still show you around.' He pinned one of his hands on the counter and the other one around my waist. He leaned in and came awfully close to me.
'No thank you...' I pushed his hand off of me.
'Why not, you don't want to have a good time?'

'Look, just leave her alone man.' Marty defended me and stood up.
'And why would I do that?' Biff let go of me and turned to Marty.
'Because I have a boyfriend.' I said quickly, both Marty and Biff and his gang turned to me.
'Well, he's not here, is he? So I don't see the problem.' Biff came closer to me again.

'What? And he's okay with you going with George to this dance?' Babs says not believing me.
'Yeah, I, erm, told him that you have to have a date and since he's not here, he said that I, uhm, I should go with someone from here...' I lie.
'Okay, if you say so...'

'Anyways, what kind of dress where you thinking of?' Lorraine asks us. Betty and Babs tell us what kind of dresses they saw. 'And you, Y/n? What kind of dress did you like?'
'Oh, I haven't really looked for one yet...' I explain.
'Okay, well I saw this beautiful pink one! I'll show it to you tomorrow, okay?' We agree and continue to talk about stuff.

Well this is pretty boring... Normally when I have a sleepover it's with Marty and the dudes from the band, not this. Atleast there's action there, this is boring.

(A/N: Heya! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! While your at it, we could become friends on Instagram or Snapchat! My Instagram is Melonwritier and my Snapchat is CDraaisma2020 )

To the past {Marty Mcfly x reader} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now