Hill Valley High school

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'Whoa! They really cleaned this place up, looks beand-new!' Marty says as he looks around the outside of Hill Valley High School. I agree with him and also look around.
'Remember, according to my theory, you interfered with your parents's first meeting. If they don't meet, they won't fall in love, get married and have kids! That's why your brother is disappearing from that photograph. Your sister will follow and unless you repair the damage, you'll be next.' Dad explains while we're walking to the entrance of the school.
'Sounds pretty heavy.' Marty Mumbles.
'Weight has nothing to do with it!'

We enter the school and look around, the bell rings 5 minutes after entering.

'Which one's your pop?' Dad says, while popping the P.
'That's him.' Marty points at George, who's getting kicked by students.

'Okay, okay you guys. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Very fung. You guys are being real mature.' George exclaims and turns around. Kick me is written on his back.

'Maybe you were adopted?' Dad states.
'Yeah, maybe you were!' I giggle. 'Two adopted bitches, you and me! Would be fun!'

'Okay! Real mature, guys!' George continues to yell and he drops his books. 'Okay, pick up my books.'

'Mcfly.' Strickland walks over to him.

'That's Strickland!' I say in shock.
'Jesus, didn't that guy ever have hair?' Marty questions.
'Probably not.' I laugh.

'Shape up, man! You're a slacker.' Strickland rips the paper off of Geirge's back. 'Do you wanna be a slacker for the rest of your life?'

'What did your mother ever see in that kid?' Dad says and I let out a small laugh.
'I don't know, Doc. I guess she felt sorry for him 'cause her dad hit him with the car.'
'He hit you with the car.' I say to him.
'He hit me with the car...' Marty repeats.
'That's the 'Florence Nightingale effect." Dad explains. 'It happens in hospitals, when nurses fall in love with their patients. Go to your dad kid and you, Y/n, go to Lorraine.'

I nod and walk over to Lorraine and her friends.

'Hi Lorraine.' I smile.
'Jules, good to see you. Girls, this is Jules-' I cut her off.
'Y/n is fine.'
'Oh. Well, this is Y/n, Y/n this is Babs.' She introduces the brown haired girl.

'Nice to meet you.' She smiles.
'Nice to meet you too.'
'And this is Betty.' She introduces the blonde girl.

'Lorraine?' Marty's voice is heard from behind.
'Calvin!' She exclaims.

Don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh.

'I'd like you to meet my good friend George Mcfly.' He introduces George. He looks at the girl and pins his arm to her locker.

'Hi, it's really a pleasure to meet you.' He says to her.
'How's your head?' She doesn't even look at George, she just walks over to Marty and tries to touch his head.
'Uhm, good, fine!' He answers quickly.

'Oh, I've been so worried about you ever since you ran off the other night!' She tells him. 'Are you okay?' Before Marty can answer the bell rings.
'Oh, we've got to go! You wouldn't want to be late for class, right? Bye Lorraine!' I drag Marty away from her and her friends drag her away.

'Doc, she didn't even look at him!'
'This is more serious than I thought.' Dad walks over to us. 'Apparently, your mother is amorously infatuated with you instead of your father.'
'Wait a minute, Doc. Are you trying to tell me, that my mother has got the hots for me?' I gasp and start laughing once again.
'Stop, don't you dare to laugh at that!' Dad ignores us and continues to talk.

'Whoa, this is heavy.'
'There's that word again. Heavy. Why are things so heavy in the future?' Dad questions. 'Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?'
'The only way we're gonna get those two to mate, is if they are alone together, so you've gotta get your mother and father to interact.' We start walking again. 'In some sort of social...' Dad pauses and looks for the word.

'Do you mean a date?' I suggest.
'Right!' The bell rings again.
'Well, what kind of date? What do kids do in the 50's?' Marty adds.
'They're your parents, you must know them! What are their common interests? What do they like to do together?'

'Look!' Dad points at a poster. 'There's a rhythmic ceremonial ritiual coming up.'
'Of course! The Enchantment Under the Sea dance!' Marty exclaims happy. 'They're supposed to go to this! That's where they kiss for the first time!'
'All right, kid. You stick to your father like glue and make sure that he takes her to that dance!' Dad instructs.

(A/N: Heya! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! While your at it, we could become friends on Instagram or Snapchat! My Instagram is Melonwritier and my Snapchat is CDraaisma2020 )

(A/N 2: Sorry that I didn't upload this yesterday, I forgot😬)

To the past {Marty Mcfly x reader} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now