Sora's Rage Form

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So this part is a little different. Basically, Sora's Rage Form acts up a lot, and animalistic instincts take over. I got this idea from my younger sister, so, shoutout to her! Also, Destiny Trio goes to school in this one because I think that would be interesting.

Sora stared at the gates of his school with Kairi and Riku. The three were in uniform: white shirt, checkered blue tie, and matching pants, though Kairi had a skirt and black stockings.

"It's been a year. I doubt anyone's gonna notice. Besides Selphie, Wakka and Tidus." Kairi stepped forward.

"Goodness gracious, Sora." Riku murmured. "You don't know how to tie a tie?"

Sora looked down at his shirt and saw that he had an untied tie. "Uh, nope."

"What are we gonna do with you?" He said affectionately. He stepped forward and tied Sora's tie for him and held his right hand with a smile.

Kairi wordlessly took his left and they walked in the gates.

When they were a step away from the door, Sora let go of their hands and gripped his head. It felt like a terrible headache.

"Sora?" Kairi's voice sounded faint.

Then the headache went away and Sora said "I-I'm fine. It was just a-" then he caught sight of Kairi's shiny wayfinder in her hand.

It was so shiny... Sora pounced on her and she fell down yelling, "Sora..!"

Sora stood up and looked at Riku, who had his hand over his mouth in shock.

"Something wrong?" Sora asked.

Riku nodded vigorously, and pointed down.

Sora looked down and gasped. From his stomach and elbows down, his body was ink black. Almost like..

"Rage form." Sora said. "It's like my heartless form, but this is as close as I'll ever get to being a heartless again."

"You can't go to school like that," Kairi said. "Guess we can't go after all. We gotta take care of Sora."

"Nonsense! I can still..." Sora waved his hand in front of his face and followed it back and forth until Riku snapped his fingers in his face. "...go to school."

"Fine. Just don't let the animal mind take over. And if anyone asks, its makeup." Kairi grabbed his ink-black hand and they all walked inside.

In class, Sora had a hard time focusing. The lights were so shiny, pencils and pens so chewable, not to mention that everything was so bright...

"Sora!" Sora was glad for Kairi's presence in the seat next to him, so he didn't get distracted so easily.

Oh, and it didn't help that the teacher was using a dang laser pointer to do the lesson.

Sora let a small growl escape his lips and got back to writing his notes.

"Mr..." the teacher began.

"Sora." He murmured.

"Mr. Sora. If you aren't going to pay attention, you can spend class time in the office."

"No, no, no, I'm paying attention!" Sora promised.

"Then give me a summary of the lesson so far."

Sora hesitated. What was the lesson about again?

"The history and legend of the paopu," Tidus murmured under his breath. Sora silently thanked him.

"The history and legend of the paopu fruit, which is a lesson we learn every year, due to us living so close to it." Sora replied.

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