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‧·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊

I sprung up ready to get ready for my trip to Liyue with Bennett. I had made sure I brought enough supplies with me, so that we would survive the journey over. As well as funding in case we wanted to purchase anything.

"I'll see you guys later!" I yelled as I headed out the door of the Favonius headquarters. The time was just barely scratching 10am. About 9:50 to be exact. The paths were pretty empty since it was still so early in the morning.

I made my way over to Good Hunter to see the familiar face arriving just as I was. "Bennet hey! Looks like we arrived at around the same time. You ready?"

The boy smiled, "Yep! This is so exciting, I can't wait. Let's hit the road! The harbor is quite a distance from here, so the sooner we leave, the better." He explained. I nodded and we headed out of the Mondstadt city gates.

Throughout our expedition, it was a shock that we hadn't encountered many unlucky things considering who I was with. All those stories were probably false, everything was perfectly fine.

We went around Dragonspine to avoid any unnecessary conflicts with enemies. Currently we're heading for Stone Gate, which is almost like an undrawn border between Mondstadt and Liyue.

"Woah, we're practically almost at Stone Gate. I've never been this far out before. We could take a rest stop when we get there."

"Agreed--" I was cut short by a low growling noise. "Did you hear that?" It stopped for a moment, then picked up again. "It sounds like a hilichurl I think."

Bennett wasted no time and drew his sword. "There doesn't sound like there's too many, we got this."

Just then, a hilichurl raced towards us with a club that was set on fire. Three more followed behind it, 2 long distanced, and 1 close range one. "Let's take 2 and 2."

I drew my catalyst and aimed it for the one that had the crossbow. They take an oddly slow time to reload and fire again so I waited until that time. After the first shot, I aimed 3 large ice spikes at it, and sent it flying into the water. The close range one with the club met the same fate and was flung into the water, and drowned. I looked over to see if Bennett had made any progress and it seemed he had just burned the last one to the ground.

"Whew! That was easy, and I only launched myself into the air once!" Bennett exclaimed. "Hey, look!" He said and pointed past me, "That must be Stone Gate. It looks like we can rest over there, come on, I'll race ya." He said and took off sprinting.

"Not fair, you had a head start!" I laughed and ran after him.


"I win! You were too slow Y/N."

"No, you just cheated."

"What? Pshh, I was just simply faster."

We laughed about the race that he had clearly cheated in to win. As we walked into the area, there were a few people there and an old man who looked like he was selling something. We strolled over to him and asked what it was.

"Hello youngins. Would you care for some tea? Judging by your attire, I would say you came from Mondstadt. Must've been quite the journey." The old man said.

"We would love some tea, how much?" I asked.

"Just two thousand Mora."


We drank our tea while resting at a table. In the distance we could see some sort of Inn building. "This tea is pretty good- hot hot hot!" Bennett said fanning his mouth rapidly. I couldn't help but let out a laugh, "Bennett your luck is something else."

"No fair, yours isn't hot at all!" He set down his cup and blew on it before taking another sip. "So," he started and swallowed a gulp of his tea, "That big building. You said it's an Inn right?" We could probably stay there and head out to Liyue harbor tomorrow. The trip here took a bit longer than expected." He said

I rolled my eyes playfully, "You do know it only took us longer because you got us lost about 4 times, right?"

"Hey hey, the details about how we got here aren't important!"

I looked over at the Inn in the distance. I leaned in closer to the table towards Bennett, "According to Aether, that's where the Vigilant Yaksha guy lives. Maybe we could meet him."

Bennett leaned in closer as well so we were just mere inches apart, "Really? You know how amazing it would be to meet one of Liyue's... what's it called Ah.."


"Yes that's the word! Once we're well rested, we can make our way over."

I nodded and took the last sip of my tea, when I leaned back away from Bennett, it had just occurred to me how close I actually had been to him.

"You ready? This time, I'll get the head start" I got up and started running in the direction of the Inn.


"Ha! I won this time." I said proudly. Bennett caught his breath with his hands on his knees. "You know, the distance from there to here is a lot greater than it looks." He stood up and marveled at the building.

"Well let's head in."

We walked past a lot of people who were talking amongst themselves. The elevator up to the main part of the Inn was pretty fascinating to say the least. We were able to see almost everything. When we exited the elevator, we headed inside where we met the owner.

"Hello! Welcome to Wangshu Inn, how can I help?" The nice lady said.

"Hello there! We were wondering if you had a place we could stay here?" I asked her. She looked through some papers and nodded.

"Ah yes, yes. We do have an available room up on the very top floor."

"We'll take it, how much will that be?"

"Let me check... hmm about 15,000 mora."

"Really? What a deal."

We exchanged the money and she handed me a key that was for the room. "Oh and I should mention, we have an uh.. Somewhat permanent resident up on that floor. You might see him on the balcony. He's not one for chatting, and he's kind of.. Well actually, you'll see for yourselves. Have a nice stay!"

I looked over at Bennett and shrugged and we made our way to the top floor. "How odd, a somewhat permanent resident?" Bennet hummed to himself.

We got to the top and the first thing to catch our eye was someone on the balcony. Perhaps he was the somewhat permanent resident. He was wearing some rather interesting clothes, and had green and black hair.

"He looks scary."

"Bennett Shush!"

The man turned around and we were met with a pair of yellow eyes, "What are you staring at?"

Ahh... I did some research and apparently 242.3 mora is 1 USD so I'm just making prices based off of that.

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