Untitled Part 13

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Everyone stood facing their opponent or opponents, ready to face off in a battle that would determine the fate of the Academy. Mr. Grayson stood, watching from his office window, noting how helpless he was in this situation, though there was something he could do, something he remembered, that he learned a while back. This wasn't something he utilized on a daily basis, and it wasn't something that was widely known about him. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the eleven combatants. Each of them were enveloped in a golden light and they disappeared. He teleported them to five separate training ground areas so they wouldn't destroy the grounds.

Each training ground adapted to that of the students entering the battlefield, but in Emily and Jake's case, he didn't know what it would do, since the teachers usually paired each student up with someone who shared the same element as them. Each of the combatants, once on their field, took their fighting positions and prepared for the battle of their lives.

Finn and Reed VS Anila

Finn and Reed stood before Anila on the battlefield, which had changed to better accommodate all three combatants. The battlefield now had an airy feel to it, as if it was completely outside, and there were clouds all over. Even the hard floor had changed to become fluffy clouds, which could still hold weight without anyone falling through. Finn's outfit had also changed. Finn was now wearing a white scoop neck top with long flowing sleeves, a white skirt, and white ankle boots. Reed was wearing his school uniform, but had discarded the tie. Neither of them looked surprised at Finn's new attire, and they quickly turned their attentions back on Anila.

"Do you two have anything to say before we begin?" Anila asked, in her soft spoken tone.

"Nothing other than we're going to defeat you."

"I'm sorry, I must defeat you, otherwise Kari will be very angry with me."

With that, she fired a large, concentrated blast of air at Reed and Finn, who quickly dodged it. Reed fired back his own large, concentrated air blast and Finn closed her eyes, concentrating. She had been doing a lot of practice with her powers and developed attacks with both her air and sound powers. She opened up her eyes and looked at Anila, a look of uncharacteristic anger on her face. She pointed her hands, palms facing her target, at Anila

"Zephyr Shriek!"

Waves of high speed, razor sharp air waves and high pitched, crescent shaped sound waves left her hands and barreled toward Anila, who easily countered, as if she'd been fighting her whole life.

"Now what?" Finn asked Reed.

"I don't know, Finn. She can counter each of our attacks, that's no secret, since she has same element as us. We need something that either she can't counter or..."

"Well, I've already mixed my air waves and sound waves together and she was able to counter that just fine. We need something more potent than just standard air and sound waves." Finn told her boyfriend.

"We could always attack together. I've been doing a lot of practicing myself. Both of us together are stronger than either one of us alone." Reed said.

"So, how do we do this? Do we use our strongest attacks and attack at once, or do we use our weapons and attack at once?" Finn asked.

"What about both? We use our weapons first and then follow up with our strongest attacks. Then, we use our strongest attacks and follow up with our weapons and make our final strike."

"Alright, that seems like a good plan, but what if it doesn't work, Reed, then what?"

"Then we either try again or come up with another plan."

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