Chapter Twelve

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"It's only been a day since she left," Jake said to his friends as they were sitting in the girls' dorm room. He continued, "I'm going to call her and ask how she's doing since she got back home."

Jake walked into Emily's old room and sat down on the bed. He pulled out his cell phone and called the Rhodes' home.

Meanwhile, at Emily's home, the shrill ringing of the phone echoed throughout the house. Emily's sister, Mia, picked it up and answered it.

"Hello, who is this?" Mia asked.

"This is Jake Morales. I go to school with Emily. Is she home? Can I talk to her?"

"I don't know where she is, but she's not here, and I haven't seen her."

"She's not there? I would've thought she'd be home by now. That's weird."

"Emily was coming home?"

"Yeah, she didn't tell you or anyone?"

"No, she didn't. I wonder where she is now."

"Don't worry, I'll find your sister and bring her back."

"Thanks, Jake. That means a lot to me and my mom and dad."

"You're welcome. I'll call again when I find her."

"Okay, bye."


With that, Jake ended the call and put his phone back in his pocket. He walked out of Emily's former room and walked out the door of the dorm. Reed stood up and made to follow Jake. Grey, Finn, and Aurora all stood and followed the boys out of their dorm.

"Jake, where are you going?" Reed asked.

"I'm going to find Emily." He replied back.

"But, I thought she went home." Grey said.

"That was her sister that talked to me. She said she never made it home." Jake told her.

"What!?" Finn said, practically screaming.

"She never made it home, so something must have happened to her, and I'm going to find out what."

"We'll come with you. You're not looking for her alone!" Finn told him.

"Alright, suit yourselves, but I promised her sister I would bring her back safely."

"Where do we even start to look?" Aurora asked.

"Well, we know she was going home, so we should look at possible routes she'd take that lead away from the school." Jake said.

"Reed and I can search from the sky." Finn offered.

Jake nodded and the five set off for the outside. They didn't know of the figure watching them from one of the windows. Jake was running toward the front door of the school, Grey and Aurora trying to keep up with him. Once everyone was outside, Reed and Finn took off into the skies, hoping to locate Emily from above. Jake, Grey, and Aurora split up, each taking a different path leading away from the Academy, searching for any clues that would help them locate Emily.

Meanwhile, back at the castle, Emily was in her room, relaxing. She would wait for the time that Kari would come and get her, and then she'd put the plan into action. She never wanted to destroy anything as badly as she did now. She would relish the destruction she would cause, knowing she was serving her mistress. She smiled evilly and began to plot her destruction. She would bring her plan of destruction to Kari, and provided she approved, she would carry it out with glee. She felt the power rushing through her veins, her power that was unlocked when Kari helped her out. The Academy claimed they were going to help her unlock her powers, but Kari was the one who actually helped her unlock it. The Academy had to pay for what they had done to her. Everyone else was just collateral. She didn't care about the people at the Academy, even if they were her former classmates, she just cared about the destruction of the Academy. Her brain still felt foggy and her body felt heavy, but she figured it was all of her power flowing through her veins. She snuggled into her pillows and closed her eyes, intending to take a short nap, but she was interrupted by the opening of her door. She turned to her now open door and saw Brooke standing there.

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