Chapter Eleven

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Emily felt sore all over when she awoke. All she remembered was a strange girl with water powers and the feeling of being electrocuted. She groaned and her mouth felt dry, considering she hadn't had anything to drink in a while. She also hadn't eaten anything in a while, but she needed water or anything to drink more than she needed food. She noticed she was in a bed that was not her own, not at the dorm and not at her home. She didn't know where she was, but she knew she had to get out of this strange room. She looked around the room, scouting it for an exit, and her eyes landed upon a glass of water sitting on the bedside table. She was thirsty, so she took a large sip. She loved how good the water felt against her dry lips and mouth, but as soon as the water went down her throat, she felt strange. She never thought of the fact there could've been something in the water. She cursed herself, but she quickly forgave herself after she let out a small moan. Whatever was in the water must've been affecting her brain because she felt a fog enter her mind. She couldn't get rid of the fog, no matter how much she tried to fight it. She let out another moan as the fog continued permeating her brain. The fog wasn't causing her pain, but more of a feeling that she'd never experienced before. Soon, she could feel the fog settling and her mind became heavy, as if it wasn't her own anymore. She closed her eyes and reopened them, her eyes now a dull green as opposed to their normal light green.

Where am I? I definitely didn't make it home. This looks like nothing I remember. This isn't my room at home or at school. What happened to me? I think the last thing I remember was leaving the Academy, then I was holding Flare Bolt, then I was fighting a water type, and then...then, I don't remember anything after that. I think there might have been electricity involved. I remember something whitish-yellow, which could've been the electricity. I can't remember when I was able to do that, but I suppose I can now. My head is so fuzzy and I'm so tired. Why can't I remember what happened to me and why I'm here? Why can't I remember where I am? Hold on, someone's coming into the room, maybe I can figure out why I'm here. Wait, something is happening to me. I feel so strange. My head is fuzzier than before. There must have been something in that water I drank. Damn it, I shouldn't have drunk the water. What's going to happen to me now? My mind is so numb, so heavy, like there's a heavy fog rolling around in there, settling over my mind. I think...I think I might be trapped within my own mind and I can't break free. What am I going to do?

A girl, which Emily recognized as Kyla, walked into the room, holding something in her hands.

"How are you feeling, Emily?"

"I'm feeling good," Emily replied. I'm tired and confused and my head feels numb and fuzzy. I feel like I'm a prisoner in my own head, trapped with no way out. Why am I here?

"That's good to hear. The rest would like to see you now, so if you'd like to get dressed, I have some clothes for you to wear during your stay here."

The rest? Who are the rest?

Kyla placed the item, or items, she was holding in her hands down on the bed. Emily picked up the items and begun undressing. The largest item was a red, one-shoulder dress that came down past her knees, and it had a slit up the side to allow the legs freedom of movement. The dress also had two, small triangular cut-outs at the waist, and the smaller item was a pair of strappy, black heels. Emily folded up her old clothes and put the dress and the heels on. Kyla came over and redid her hair, putting it up in a bun, letting strands of hair fall out of the bun and down Emily's jawline.

What the hell just happened to me, and why am I wearing this damn thing? I look like I'm going on a date or something. This is ridiculous.

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