Chapter Three

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The girls woke up on Friday morning with plans to get their school uniforms and explore the campus. Finn woke up happy and cheerful, as always. As an air elemental, she had a carefree personality, but she knew what she wanted to do with her life and what she wanted out of it. Her parents had not been happy with her decision that she was leaving to go off to school. Her parents were not the easiest people to get along with, and some of her siblings weren't very easy to get along with either. They had an idea of what she should do with her life and she had hers. Their ideas were polar opposites of each other. Mrs. Luna, Violet, wanted Finn to stay home and take care of her younger siblings, a younger sister, Meredith, and younger twin brothers, Tommy and Bobby, but Finn wanted to continue her schooling. However, her mother pulled her out of school so she could take care of the younger Lunas. Her mother thought her place was in the home, taking care of her young brothers and sister, and not at school. Finn thought otherwise, so when the opportunity for her to come to the Four Elements Academy was presented to her by Mr. Grayson, she took it gladly. She had rushed home from her meeting, if you could call it that, with Mr. Grayson, packed her bags and was on her way to the Academy.

Finn dressed in a white turtleneck sweater shirt with a white skirt, a pair of white tights, and her white cowboy boots. She loved the color white and only wore white clothes. It was just one of her quirks. She brushed out her long platinum blonde hair and added more color to it with her Crayolas. She finished getting ready in her bathroom adjoining her bedroom. She walked out into the living room and saw that Aurora and Grey were already dressed and ready. Aurora was wearing her sweatshirt and jeans, and Grey was wearing another graphic tee with a pair of skinny jeans and tennis shoes.

Emily was the one they were waiting on. Soon, Emily walked out of her bedroom, dressed similarly to what she was wearing when she'd first arrived, in a black turtleneck crop top and a pair of black leggings tucked into a pair of black, knee-high, heeled boots. Her red hair was pulled up into a tight bun with some strands sticking out and some strands of hair framing her face.

Soon, all four girls left their dorm and made their way to the registration hall. When they walked into Registration and Enrollment, there were some students receiving their uniforms. The staff was handing out the uniforms according to element, so Grey, Finley, Aurora, and Emily split into their respective lines and waited to get their uniforms. The process took a bit of time, because each line had several people there taking measurements to ensure the uniforms given to the student fit them perfectly.

When it was their turns, Grey, Finn, Aurora, and Emily all stood in front of the women taking their measurements, then they were given their uniforms. Finn looked at her uniform with mild disgust. She was glad her shirt and socks were white, but that was all that was white. Everything else was not. Emily liked the fact that her skirt and shoes were black, but she preferred to wear her boots, and the rest of her uniform was in colors she never thought she would wear. She knew the staff and her teachers wouldn't let her wear her boots with her uniform, so she had to learn to get used to her uniform shoes. Grey and Aurora didn't seem to have any complaints about their uniforms, since they didn't really care one way or another.

The air uniforms consisted of a white, short sleeved button-down shirt, with a long sleeved one for winter, a sky-blue tie, an optional sky-blue sweater vest, a short, black pleated skirt, white thigh-high socks, and black, heeled Mary Jane shoes. There were also winter additions, a sky-blue colored sweater, white tights, a cream colored peacoat, and a cream-colored scarf. Finn's uniform for Flying and Air and Sound for Beginners was included. It consisted of a neon yellow sport shirt, neon yellow sport shorts, neon yellow socks, and white tennis shoes. She also had a long-sleeved version of her shirt and a sweat pant version of her shorts for winter time.

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