Chapter Six

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Grey went off to Earth and Metal for Beginners, Finn went off to Air and Sound for Beginners, Emily went off to Hand-to-Hand Combat, and Aurora was headed to Healing. On her way there, Aurora couldn't help but continue to wonder why she was placed in a healing class, but she figured she'd find that out when she got there. Her healing class was with the school nurse, so the classroom was near the nurse's office. It was in the hall next to Registration and Enrollment and it was in a classroom on the first floor. Aurora made her way into the classroom, a bit nervous, seeing as it was technically her first day of a new class at a new school. She didn't know what to expect, so she walked in and just sat down in a seat near the front of the room. This room's layout was much like the one for History of Elements, rows upon rows of chairs and tables, plus a table at the front of the room as a desk. There was a projector and a screen at the front of the room as well.

A tall blonde-haired woman with blue eyes walked into the room. She was wearing a white blouse and a white skirt with a pair of black pumps. She had a smaller looking folder with her that she placed on her desk while the other students, all in water uniforms, filed into the classroom. There weren't that many students in the class, maybe somewhere between ten and fifteen students. The woman addressed herself as Nurse Elize Rayne. After writing her name on the whiteboard, she pulled out some boxes and set them on her desk. She told new students to come and grab a notebook and some pens. Aurora got up and went to the front of the room, but only grabbed a notebook, seeing as she still had enough pens from her last class. Aurora returned to her seat and Nurse Rayne began passing out a packet that she had. It was a syllabus telling them what they were going to be doing this year. Nurse Rayne then began class with telling them to read the syllabus on their own and then she delved into the history of the use of water as a healing element. She went on to explain that that was the reason that Aurora and the rest of the students were there, to learn how to use their power to heal.

Nurse Rayne and the rest of the staff at the Academy had been watching a select group of people for some time. They watched as each of the people used their power in some way and decided it was best to bring them to the Academy. Now this select group was among them and Nurse Rayne and the rest of the Academy staff could continue to watch them grow and help them understand what it was they were meant to do.

The rest of class went on and Aurora's notes were nothing more than pictures instead of words. It was almost as if she used pictures to communicate in her writing instead of using words. Aurora tried her best to listen to the lecture, but she was still confused as to her purpose in this class. Nurse Rayne said they were there to heal, but she wasn't even sure she could heal with her power. She understood she controlled water, but she never understood it as a healing element. She always understood it as the element that could create a flood or drain all the water of a given source. If the nurse said that the water element could heal as well, then Aurora was willing to go along with this class. As Nurse Rayne dismissed her class, she kept her eye on Aurora as she walked out of the room, making mental notes and observations.

Meanwhile, the girls went to their next classes before lunch. Emily went to Gymnastics, Finn to Astronomy, Aurora to Swimming, and Grey to Earth Science. Aurora was looking forward to Swimming. She quickly made her way to Haring Hall and the pool. When she got there, a woman with black hair and brown eyes was standing by the pool, waiting for her class. Aurora was the first one there, so the woman gave her a packet and a key with a locker assignment attached to it and told her to go get ready for class. Aurora walked off to the locker room and got ready to swim.

Finn was walking to Astronomy, but she got a little turned around on the way there. Her sense of direction wasn't the best, but she was trying! She knew if she didn't hurry, she would be late for sure. She knew where the room was, having scoped it out on their exploration trip, but she must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. Being in the middle of her musings, she didn't notice when she bumped into a boy wearing a white shirt and black pants. He had short brown hair and brown eyes and he was wearing the standard boys air uniform.

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