Count On Me

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Kayla POV
8 1/2 months later
I was huge, hormones high, and dysfunctional all times of the day.
I got irritated quickly and I was either a sweet angel or the devil himself.
I'm just hanging around with my baby when I felt the urge to pee.
Me: Aug help me up a bit so I can go to the bathroom
He helped me up and as soon as I stood I felt something running form my leg.
August: You pissin on yaself
Me: No, I'm in labor
August picked me up and put me in the car.
Me: Uuuggghhh LETS GO NOW!!!
August: I'm here
August: I ain't finna get no fuckin ticket
August: Oh hell no!
He sped the car up, and we made it to the hospital 5 minutes later.
August: Help my fiancée is in labor!
Oh shit did he just say "fiancée"
Doctor: Rush her to the delivery room looks like we have one that's about to come right now
August: Why?
Me: You did this to me. Call Katelynn she has to be here
August called Katelynn and in the matter of 10 minutes she was there right by my side as well as August.

Doctor: On the count of three I need you to push
Me: Ok
Doctor: 1............2..............3.................PUSH
Katelynn and August: Push Kay
I pushed and all I heard was crying.
My beautiful baby girl was here and she was just adorable.
The doctor took her to clean her up and August cut the umbilical cord.
The doctor brought my baby back and she was absolutely beautiful.
She had green and hazel eyes.
I took her from the doctor and she was sleeping peacefully.

I looked over at August and there were tears coming from his eyes.
I looked at Katelynn and she was looking at me with tears in her eyes.
Katelynn: I love you so much
Me: I love you too. Bae you want to hold our baby girl
August: Yea
He took her and was playing with her and kissing her on her little chubby face.
August: You're my lil princess now. What are we gonna name ha babe?
Me: Timberlyn Athena Alsina
August: I luh dat name, you, and Timberlyn
Doctor: Mr. and Mrs. Alsina we have you come up with a name yet?
Us: Yes
Doctor: Well we will have you guys do the birth certificate, and Kayla you're free to go home tomorrow morning.
Katelynn: Kay I gotta go, the sisters need me, but I will see you in the morning
Me: Ok
Katelynn kissed my forehead and Tim's forehead and waved bye to us.
Wow.......... I'm a a...........daddy.............We're...........parents.
I fed Timberlyn, and August put her in the small bed.
August got in the bed with me and we cuddled.
August: Bae
Me: Huh
August: I'm glad that I had a baybeh witchu and she's beautiful. You gave me a gift that I will always thank you for. And pretty soon you gon be da one I call my wife.I luh you baybeh
I turned around and looked him in his beautiful brown eyes and said
Me: I love you too. I love you more than life itself, and Timberlyn she's my pride, joy and my life. I really hope to be your wife someday.
He smiled and then leaned in to kiss me.
We kissed for a good 5 minutes and I laid in the crook of his neck.
I kissed his A and said
Me: Goodnight Mr. Alsina
August: Goodnight Mrs. Alsina

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