Chapter 13: The Mist Estate

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(Muichiro Pov)

I woke in (Y/N)- chan's arms. She was crying and I could feel some of her tears on my face.

"Hey (N/N)." I said and I sat up. I hugged her tightly and she wailed and hugged me back.

"I'm so sorry." (Y/N)- chan said. 

"It's okay." I said to calm her down and I took her face in my hands.

"Look at me." I told her, conscious that Chisaki and Kanroji were watching us. "I would never leave you okay? I would never." 

"Mhm." (Y/N)- chan nodded and her (E/C) eyes met my mint green ones. I wiped a tear away. "I-I was so-o sc-cared that-t you we-er h-hurt." She told me shakily.

I kissed her softly on the lips. She was still crying, but she looked calm because now she knew I was safe.

((Y/N) Pov)

I was glad that Muichiro- kun was safe. Chisaki and Mitsuri- chan squealed as I walked towards them.

"Kyaa!! He kissed you infront of everyone!!" Mitsuri- chan squealed.

"Y-yeah." I said, a bit exasperated.

"Wow!! I'd love to see my bitchy sister's face now!" Chisaki said gleefully.

(Time skip)

((Y/N) Pov)

I grabbed the last of my possessions and headed to the door. When I got there, everyone except Muichiro- kun was there.

"Where is he (L/N)- san?" Uzui- san asked me. "We thought he was with you."

"Oh well he isn't. I thought he was with you." I told them.

About 30 seconds later, he came wiping his mouth and looking furious. Trailing behind him was Miuna.

"Mui what happened?" I asked him.

"Miuna." Chisaki said. "What did you do."

We all looked at Miuna, and then to Muichiro- kun.

"That crazy bitch kissed ne, that's what happened." Muichiro- kun informed us.

"You did what!?" Mitsuri- chan shouted.

"What? It's not a big deal." She said. "Anyway, who would want to be with (Y/N) anyway." 

"I do!" Muichiro- kun shouted and he punched Miuna in the face. She fell onto the floor and he stamped on her nose. He was about to do it again, but I stopped him.

"What are you doing!?" Muichiro- kun asked me and tried to get out of my firm grip.

"Let's go. She's not worth it." I told him.

We all thanked Mr. and Mrs. Sato for letting us stay.

"Waah!! I'm going to miss you all  so much!" Chisaki cried and hugged me, Mitsuri- chan and Kocho- san. 

"You have to visit us." Kocho- san told her.

"I will." She said. "And Tokito- san I'm so sorry about Miuna." 

"It's fine." Muichiro- kun said, but I could tell he was lying.

"Bye Chisaki!!" I called back as we ran back.

(Time skip, at the Hashira headquarters)

((Y/N) Pov)

I explained to Master about the demon that we had encountered. He told me that I could go and so I walked out of the headquarters. Muichiro- kun greeted me there. He looked sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked him and took his hands.

"It's Rengoku- san. He got killed." He informed me.

I gasped and I felt tears from into my eyes. I didn't know Rengoku- san that well, but I still was sad.

"Kamado was there with him, so if you see him, then maybe ask him." Muichiro- kun told me.

"Okay." I replied quietly.

"Um..." Muichiro- kun started. "Do you want to come to my estate?" He asked me, looking a bit nervous.

"Sure!" I said.

"Okay, well let's go." He said and he pulled me after him.

As we approached the Mist Estate, I felt a little bit nervous. I didn't know why, but I did.

"We're here." He told me and we walked in.

"Come on. I'll show you my room!" Muichiro- kun pulled me, clearly excited that I was here.

"Wow." I breathed as I entered his room.

"Do you like it?" He asked me.

"It's amazing!" I told him.

Muichiro- kun gave me a tour and we talked for a while back in his room.

"(Y/N)- chan?" Muichiro- kun asked me after a while.


"Um... Well I've wanted to ask you this for a while now. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me and blushed.

I was so happy. I had wanted to ask Muichiro- kun that for a long time now, and he had just asked me. 

"I would love to!" I said and kissed him.

This time was a little bit different. I could feel Muichiro- kun's tongue lingered a at the bottom of my lip. I allowed his tongue to go into my mouth. When we pulled apart, he looked at me.

"C'mon, (N/N)." He told me. I understood what he meant.

I put my tongue in his mouth and explored it. It felt so good. We pulled apart and I smiled. 

"That was nice." I whispered to Muichiro- kun.

"I agree." He told me.

Um, well, sorry if that was a bit awkward. Still, I hope you enjoyed!

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