Chapter 6: My Best Friends

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((Y/N) Pov)

I sat back down and rested my head on Muichiro- kun's shoulder. 

"Hey Muichiro- kun?"


"Can I call you Mui for short?" I asked him. "You can have a nickname for me too if you want." 

"Oh! Sure!" He replied looking a bit embarrassed. "Is it okay if you tell me what you and Kanroji were fighting about?"

"Sorry. I can't." I apologised. "It involves..." I trailed off.

"Okay. But just know that I will always be here for you." Muichiro- kun told me.


I heard footsteps, so I lifted my head off Muichiro- kun head unwillingly. A crying Mitsuri- chan was standing there.

"I'll let you guys talk." Muichiro- kun said and left.

Before I could say anything, Mitsuri- chan hugged me and was apologising like crazy.

"I'm so sorry! I should never have done that!" She cried. "Please forgive me!"

"I need to apologise too. You are my best friend, and I treated you so badly even though you saved my life. Please accept my apology." I said and started crying too.

"I accept-t your a-apology (Y/N)- chan." Mitsuri- chan told me through sobs.

"And I accep-pt yours t-too Mitsu-uri- chan" I replied.

We hugged for a while before Mitsuri- chan asked me for the details of what happened with me and Muichiro- kun on the veranda.

"OMG!!!!" She squealed and umped up and down as I blushed. 

"Wow. You two forgave each other quickly." Kocho- san said as she approached us.

"Yeah well we are besties after all." I informed her.

We all talked for a while before we went to our estates for the night.

(Next day, rehabilitation training)

((Y/N) Pov)

Today Kocho- san wasn't here. The girls arranged a competition of tag. I was partnered with Muichiro- kun. 

"I'll get you (N/N)." Muichiro- kun whispered in my ear.

"Game on Mui!" I whispered back.

"The rules are if one of you fall on the floor, the other person wins, or of course the tagger catches the other person. On the count of three!" Aoi- chan called out to us. "One , two, three!"

I ran as fast as I could, but Muichiro- kun was fast! He was about to grab my hand, But I swerved out of the way. I thought that Muichiro- kun had fallen, so I slowed down a little bit. Big mistake. He caught up to me. I accidently ran into him and he landed on top of me.

"Tokito- san win!" Aoi- chan declared as Muichiro- kun got off me and helped me up.

"Sorry I got carried away." He apologised. There was a definite red in his cheeks.

"It's all good Mui." I told him.

As we were leaving, Zenitsu- kun came up to me.

"(Y/N)- chan~" He hugged me. 

"Uh hi Zenitsu- kun." I replied, trying to get out of his extremely firm hug.

"Oi. Blondie. Leave (N/N) alone." Muichiro- kun threatened him. 

"Sorry I didn't know that you two were dating." He grumbled and walked off. "At least there is still Nezuko- chan!"

"Thanks." I said, my face still hot from Zenitsu's remark.

"It's nothing." He said. "Um... (Y/N)- chan?" said asked me awkwardly.

"Yeah? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, It's just that my estate is getting renovated so I don't have anywhere to stay." He told quietly. "Is it okay if I stay at your place? It will only be for a few days."

"Sure!" I replied. "I was going to ask you to come over soon anyway."

"Okay thank you." Muichiro- kun thanked me. " I'll get my things and I will see you soon then." He said.

"Yeah." I said.

I was exited. I  have to Mitsuri- chan about this as soon as possible, or I will be murdered.

Hey people. This was a fun chapter to write for me. I was about to run out of ideas, but now I am good! 

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