Chapter 7: The Talk

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((Y/N) Pov)

I ran as fast as I could to Mitsuri's estate. When I got there, I saw here sitting on the floor, eating her sakura mochi.

"(Y/N)- chan!! Omg!! Are you okay? What happened?" She hovered over me anxiously as I tried to catch my breath. "Come over here." She beckoned me to sit down and she poured me some tea.

"So." Mitsuri- chan said, once I caught my breathe. "What happened?"

"Well, Mui needed a place to stay while his estate was getting renovated, so he will be staying with me!" I told her excitedly.

"Wait, wait Mui? What happened? Does he let you call him that?" She asked and stared at me in wonder.

"Ah long story. I'll tell you later." I said. "Help me. What do I do? Like what do I talk to him about?"

"Hm, well, maybe ask him about his family or something, oh but only if it doesn't seen too private." She suggested. "Or... You guys are best friends, so I'm sure you'll think of something."

"Okay thanks." 

We talked for a while. I ate four sakura mochi, but Mitsuri- chan ate a countless amount. ( I asked her and she said it was above thirty)

(Time skip, at (Y/N)'s estate.)

((Y/N) Pov)

I got back to my estate and tied up my hair with a different hair tie than usual. (Won't apply if you have short hair). I heard a knock on my door. I answered it, and as expected, it was Muichiro- kun.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi" He replied.

"Uh, come in." I gestured inside.

"Thank you for letting me stay." Muichiro- kun thanked me as he took his shoes off. "And I like your estate and hair tie." He complimented.

"Oh thank you!" I said, happy he noticed my hair tie.

I showed him to his room, and offered him food.

"So have you been on any missions lately?" I asked him.

"Yeah I went on one by myself." He said.

"Nice. What was the demon like?" I asked again, and picked up a rice cracker and nibbled on it.

" Fee hos veawy weach. Wasn even a wower moov" He answered with his mouth full.

"What?" I asked and giggled.

Muichiro- kun swallowed and resaid his answer.

"She was really weak. Wasn't even a lower moon"

"Oh okay." I finally understood. "You sounded so funny!" I laughed, remembering how he sounded like.

"I was that funny?" Muichiro- kun blushed as he looked at me laughing.



"Loosen up a bit! C'mon." I took his hand as pulled him up. "I'll show you my room."

"O-okay" He hesitated, but let me pull him up the stairs.

( Muichiro Pov)

(Y/N)'s hands were so soft and warm, or was that my hand that was warm? I was exited to see (Y/N)- chan's room.

"Here it is!" (Y/N)- chan said and it pulled me out of my trance.

Her room was so cool. It was white with a window that looked towards the mountains. 

"Sit down anywhere you like." (Y/N)- chan told me as she sat on her bed. "So where did you grow up?"

"The mountains." I responded.

"Nice. If it's not too private, did you have any siblings?" (Y/N)- chan asked as she fiddled with her hair.

I didn't know how to respond. I couldn't remember. I was told by doctors that I had lost my memory when I lost my family, but I wasn't exactly sure. 

"I had a twin brother." I remembered.

"I didn't know that. That's so cool!" She awed at me. "How about you?"

"No I was an only child." (Y/N)- chan told me.

We talked about our families for a bit. I didn't ask too much incase I made (Y/N)- chan cry.

"When is your birthday?" I suddenly asked.

"Oh. It's the 21st of January. When's yours?" She told me.

"The 8th of August." I said


"Yeah. Yours is coming up soon. Today is the 27th of December." I said.

"Yeah." (Y/N)- chan sighed. "Mitsuri- chan is planning this birthday thing with Chisaki, and it's just, I really don't like celebrating my birthday with a big crowd." She explained to me.

"I didn't know that." I said a bit surprised. " Who's Chisaki?"

"Chisaki is my other best friend from my hometown." (Y/N)- chan explained.

"Cool" I said.


Suddenly, (Y/N)- chan burst into tears.

"What's wrong?" I started to panic.

"It's just I-I miss my town and f-family." She cried.

I walked over to her bed and hugged her. "It's okay. I'm here for you."

"Thank yo-ou Mui." (Y/N)- chan sobbed and hugged me back.

I smiled as she buried her face in my chest.

Lmao I wrote most of this in class (math and science) and I didn't get caught luckily. I hope you enjoyed. 😁

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