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The lights turned back on, the situation is sticky but I have to admit. I haven't been captured in a long time, since I was a kid when I was threatened that they'll kill my family. I was naive at the time, but this is no time for memories.

However, Kurapika's case is no reason to be reckless, that idiot hasn't changed at all.

The other spiders joined us, they discussed their plans while our presence is there. Then a ring can be heard, assuming it's Kurapika. Phinx answered, a few moments Kurapika and Pakunoada talk to each other. Then Nobunaga joined the discussion. I didn't really hear much so I can't make theories of my own.

Pakunoada left maybe to think, I'm not sure. But another ringing phone came Shalnark's phone. He handed the phone to Phinx but then gave it to me, I could tell he's pissed off.

"Are all of them together?"

"At the moment, yes. I assume you have a plan? They also want to come after Pa-"

"Better watch your mouth traitor.", Phinx cuts me off.

He then conversed with the chain user, it appears they can't follow him anymore that's good. They're too troublesome for one. A few hours later or so, we all have met up with Paku at the base. They were about to fight until Gon intervened.

"You really don't get it, do you?" he emitted. "You don't understand why Pakunoada wants to leave without saying anything, it's because she wants to save your leader! Don't you understand that!" Gon shouted at their faces, making me feel better.

"Shut up pipsqueak! You're just desperate to leave." Phinx retorted.

Gon then broke his chains as he spoke, "Take it back." A sign for Killua and I breaking ours as well.

"This is just absurd, your minds are too naive right now, browless. We are still at advantage, no matter the situation we'll face." I pointed out.

"Oi oi, shut your mouth traitor. And what did you called me?!" Phinx spoke out of anger.

"Being an asshole suits you" as I stick out my tongue. Making his anger kindled against us.

As we quarreled, Franklin advised him, "Just let Pakunoada go."

"You're siding with them now?"

Franklin continued to explain and kept asking Shalnark.

I then blurt out a severely annoying remark to Phinx, "Guess you're on the minority side now, smart ass." Killua shushed me but that didn't make way for me to remark on my own.

Then a call was made, the phone being tossed to Gon and back and forth. Shalnark being annoyed.  As we walk towards the airship, Hisoka trailed us. Paku just realizing now, as he threatens the chain user that he'll kill us. Deceiving people is his specialty huh?

We then got exchanged, I felt like I was money for a moment. I went closer to Kurapika then whacked his side. "Moron. You're a moron! Idiot Kura idiot!"

I whined like a brat, but it's true. He's an idiot. A reckless one.

"Sorry.. But why are you staying that I'm an idiot?" he responded with reddened cheeks.

"Because you are! You're so reckless! If only you looked after yourself more.. maybe I wouldn't be so worried about you.." I started to lower my voice a little but it was clear he heard me.

"Worry..—", I then cut him off by walking to the airship quickly.

[ Kurapika's Point of View ]

She's.. worried about me? Maybe I heard her wrong, but why are those three snickering about.

"Oi lover boy! Join your girlfriend at the airship first~" the old man shouted at me while laughing, making me get annoyed yet flustered at the word 'girlfriend'.

"She's not my girlfriend Leorio. Stop being fooli-"

"Then she's mine! See you never!", he was about to run off to the airship until my hand harshly grabbed his wrist.

"Meow..~" the silver-haired boy teased.

"I- this is not what you think." I then released Leorio's wrist.

"Alright mate, won't steal whatcha have" Leorio implied.

"You have good friends, Kurapika." Melody smiled at me.

"Indeed.." I then smiled also.

We then board the airship. I and Leorio talked for a while. "I'm sorry for exposing you to danger.", I apologized to them.

"It's okay. You put your chains on the boss, right?" Gon inquired me.

"Yes, but something tells me this is not over." I simply respond.

"It's true." F/N spoke up putting our attention on her.

"How are you so sure, F/N?" Leorio asked her, making the suspense even thicker.

She then sighed and continued, "Any nen exorcist can remove Kurapika's nen dagger, which they are about to do sooner. My mother has experienced this, and informed both me and my younger sister."

"The end is yet to come, those bastards can't be stopped until they're satisfied."

She looks at us three, "Which will be a lifetime, I'm sorry."

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