Chapter 23

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A week turned into two with Philip's training schedule extending longer. The mathematician in my head worried for the lesser time I got to spend with him upon his return.

It was my friends who provided me with the greatest distraction of it all. After we closed down the restaurant we decided to stay back and talk. In Philip's absence, even Steve went a little rogue and managed to sneak a bottle of wine before the cellar was closed.

We sat in the eating area on a round table, propping our legs over it as if we were at our apartment.

"Madame, try this..." Steve let out a fake accent to mimic Joseph Clementine's words from a few days ago.

After my interview-cum-non-interview went well, I waited for Philip to come back to break the news. I wanted us to leave this place together as a gesture of moving ahead. Though it wasn't a move for me as I was still stuck in the same city. But for us, our relationship, it was a better step.

A snorted giggle turned me to Linda who after chugging two glasses of wine on an empty stomach seemed to be comfortable, leaning onto Steve's sides.

"It's not that bad," I said, justifying Joseph's speech delivery style. "It was different. Impressive, actually."

"Fake accent is impressive?" In her slurry speech, Linda questioned.

"Fine, not impressive but I would dare any of you to try an accent with a confidence as his."

Steve served me another round of wine, a generous one before pouring one himself. "So you are saying that if I or Linda can pull an accent challenge before you leave, you'll let go of your entire month's salary?"

"Done." And then it hit me. "No, wait. You make more than me. Why do you need my salary?"

Grinning, Steve looked over to Linda who might have dozed off on his shoulder.

"I think I'll take her home now," I said standing up but was made to sit back with Steve's narrowed stare and finger dancing over, instructing me.

"We all decided to stay back till one in the night and we will do that." Steve reminded me of the agreement. "You're not making any excuses."

"But Linda-"

"She is fine," he answered, sliding a lock of hair that fell on her face. I was surprised. His gentle attitude, carefully leaning her back on her chair as if she was made of porcelain. Even after Linda was settled in the comfort of a cozy chair, Steve lingered over for moments and watched her sleep.

"Steve," I called out in a hushed tone, knowing well my roommate's light sleep. "Are you"

My finger danced between them. I was not blind to see the sudden chemistry but was surprised to notice it only now. Between all the yelling and screaming between him and Linda, it was difficult to notice any semblance of care and adoration.

"It just happened," Steve's unwavering gaze remained on my sleeping beauty friend. He reminded me of the time I had woken up in the middle of the night, Philip gazing. The feeling was indescribable. It was like watching something so comforting, one's sight wouldn't move over. It would remain glued, drinking up the perfection that was in front.

Upon clearing my throat, Steve's trance broke and he turned to me with a goofy grin spread across his lips.

"When did this happen?" I asked. "Back when Philip asked you to ask me out?"

"No. No," Steve waved his hands vigorously, swatting my word-flies. "It happened on those long nights when you, my dear apprentice, were happily journeying back to Philip's place. Lin felt lonely one day so she decided to pull an all-nighter by herself. I couldn't let her stay alone so decided to give her company. We stayed up talking and-"

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