Chapter 15

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Pan clattered on the floor when it slipped from someone's hold

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Pan clattered on the floor when it slipped from someone's hold. Although there was no content in it, I drummed near my feet before halting its jarring dance. The reverie I was in was broken.

"Careful." Linda droned over someone before hanging the fallen pan back to the metal rod that remained hung other pots and pans.

"Let's go." She tapped at my shoulder, instructing me to take a break for lunch.

My heart thrummed onto my ribs vigorously as I sat near an empty seat at the lunch table. Linda eyed me the whole time, carrying a smirk that rose to the corner of her eyes. When the chair beside me was pulled and the warm musky scent wafted into my bloodstreams, my eyes fluttered momentarily. I was tossed back to the memories of the times I'd spent with Philip, who sat beside me.

"Smells divine." Philip leaned over and whispered and the air he breathed out with those words were a clear indication of his talk not being about food.

"You need to keep it low." I bit the insides of my cheeks, mocking him for riling me up at the workplace.

When the crowd departed after taking their share of food, Philip caught my hand in a blink of an eye under the table and leaned. He tactfully dropped his fork, pretending to pick it up and kissed my knuckle on his way up.

My internal organs rumbled and danced to the show tunes I'd heard growing up. It was bliss, I was floating in, controlling my heart from flying away. Every look or lean from Philip would set my senses to stand in attention. Although a tease, he'd play me so well that it would be difficult for me to hold onto my inhibitions.

After a long drawn lunch where Philip decided it would be fun to run his arm near to my side, getting a laugh when his grazing arm would make me jolt upright, he straightened from his chair.

"Daisy, can you meet me back at my office?" His question, a harmless one was filled with tricks he had up his sleeves.

Linda winked at me upon hearing it. She was the only other being besides John and Sasha who knew about what we were doing for the past few days. I was practically living in Philip's home and every time I made up my mind to go back to my place, he would somehow convince me otherwise.

With me trailing behind him into his office door, anticipation drove up to my chest, radiating as warmth over my skin and bones. With Philip, with what we were doing, everything was thrilling. It was a new wave of excitement I found whenever I was with him.

Behind the closed door, he straddled me over his desk and widened my legs, almost pulling me over his body as he dipped his lips to intertwine with mine. For the hundredth time, I was tasting him and it was just as delicious and intoxicating as the first time. My fingers rolled into his hair and I deepened my hold over his mouth. Our play for dominance reached a new level when his hand slid underneath my shirt.

Goosebumps ran over my skin as I nested my head over his shoulder while his hand ran over my back, clearing the attire off its path as it rose. My eyes closed with the unpredictability of what could happen next.

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