Chapter 22

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With Philip gone for his training, an entire week passed in a blur. Of the one month we had for ourselves, more time was cut short with him leaving and me trying my best to get my bearings in order.

Linda and Steve were of great help in all this. Although struggling with Marcy's absence at the restaurant, Steve remained compassionate towards my issues. Appearances can be deceptive was a proverb fashioned for men like him with a tough exterior and a kind and gentle heart.

In the warmth of the kitchen, I sat in a corner as the last of the lunch orders moved out. With my phone vibrating in my pocket, I ran out to answer. Mom used to dial me up only in the evening. With her unusual call during work hours, I panicked.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, panting with just a few meters of jog. I knew very well that my body deserved some sort of exercise which didn't include being under or over Philip.

With his thoughts rushing to fill his void, I cleared my throat and realigned the phone over my ears. "Mom."

She sighed, releasing a burst of air over the speaker. "Yes, yes, my baby. Everything is fine. How are you?"

"I am too. Then why are you calling now? What's happening?"

I was sure something did go down or else mom wouldn't simply call me in the middle of the day. Only when she chuckled, did it occur to me that she might have missed me deeply to make such a call.

"I had gone to John's café," mom said, her tone monotonous. "Turns out the new barista isn't that good as you."

I could feel the vibrations in her voice. The trembling in her while she spoke.

"Mom, are you crying?" I asked, supporting my phone holding hand with the other. All the stirring and whipping I did today took a toll on me. I felt pinpricks launch up and down my skin.

"No baby. I just miss you. You know, it feels like ages since I saw you."

"You saw me yesterday," I grinned. "Over facetime."

"It's not the same and you know it." Softly yet sternly she answered.

"Fine. I will make time and come home for a while."

Seemed to me, my mom did call for a reason. The reason called guilt-tripping her daughter into coming home for a few days. This was the first time I had left home that wasn't for college and with no assurance of returning every weekend. Surely, she must have had empty nest syndrome to make a call and lure me back.

While walking in, my phone buzzed again. Unbothered to check the number, I was sure it was mom calling me to remind me about something.

"Yes, what is it now?" I asked. The vacuum sensation on the call made me check the number, by when a voice answered.

"Is this Ms. Daisy Matthew?"

"Yes, speaking." The voice was unfamiliar and so was the number.

"Hi, this is Kent from Glass and Ice restaurant. Is this a good time to talk?"

My heartbeats came to a standstill upon hearing the name. A famous LA restaurant that was featured in all sorts of magazines for its food and innovative plating techniques was calling me.

Somehow with a dry mouth, I answered. "Yes. It's a good time."

Sighing on the call, Kent's high-pitched tone escaped. "We have the position of a sous chef and we were hoping to interview you for it. You see, we read the critic's review and our head chef wanted to meet with you and offer you some insights into his newer ideas."

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