Chapter 13

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"The next rounds on me," I sang and flung my shot glass up in the air

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"The next rounds on me," I sang and flung my shot glass up in the air. The crowd standing near me hooted and picked me up from my chair and tossed me up like the head cheerleader on top of a pyramid.

"She is the best," one blonde male screamed before launching me up again. "Cheers."

"Wohoo," I hooted as I rose up and nearly touched the roof before being cradled back into his muscular arms. Upon landing, I held his bicep for support. "Man, that was hawwttt."

Sliding to my barstool, I swirled my finger up at the chisel chested bartender for another round of drinks to wash my sadness away.

"You are cut off, girl. I don't want destruction of property here." Sniggering, he jolted his head. "How about this," he leaned over as did I. Shouting on the top of his voice near my ear, he was ensuring I could hear him in the background of loud thumping music with neon lighting dancing in and around. "You wait for another fifteen minutes before I serve you."

"Booo," I pointed my thumbs down and stuck my tongue out. "Now. Service me now."

He waved his hands and moved over to another brunette whose back side of the dress was nearly missing. The bartender scanned her for whatever she put up on display at the bar while leaning over to order her drink. With a high held pony and charcoal layered eyes, the woman was an epitome of a cat woman. One whip in hand and thigh high boots and she could give any woman a run for their money.

"Here," the bartender slid a drink near me before mixing the drinks for the cat woman.

"What is it?" I shouted, standing at the edge of my stood. "Vodka?"

He nodded. I chugged. It was water.

"Oh screw you," I tossed the glass towards him. With the moves of a jungle cat, he caught it and placed it near the sink.

"See, destruction of property," his eyebrows danced at me before sliding the drink towards the other lady. She walked away with her drink after sliding her finger near the bartender's neck. My eyes widened when I realized the backless dress lady didn't pay.

"Hey, I kept paying and still you are not serving me," thumping my fist on the bar, I kept hounding him.

"Because she will pay later and you won't. You will probably have to be taken to the hospital for all the drinks you downed in that little body."

I blew raspberries and turned around to watch the dancing crowd. Drunk to the point of recollection, many swayed to the music while many other sat in a corner, watching the neon lights swing from the bottom of the floor to the roof.

"I need to pee," I said to myself before sliding off the stool. My brain tried to scan the place that sprawled with drunkards like me. Blinking my eyes to lift the hazy vision, I moved towards the arrow sign.

In was in the narrow hallway when I realized it wasn't the washroom that I ventured into. Tables on the side had people crawling over it, kissing and grunting. Their lips and nose were powdered white and the whole atmosphere in the pink colored lit room induced me to a state of nausea. Whatever pipe was being smoked around clearly wasn't cigarettes'. I would know the scent of tobacco from miles away.

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