Chapter 6

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"This is it," I spoke to my reflection

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"This is it," I spoke to my reflection. I spoke to the girl who looked back at me, apprehensive of my decisions.

Since long, my reflection wasn't convinced of my modus operandi. She always assumed I was either doing things to forget about Philip or undertaking relationship with men who struck a resemblance to him. In toto, there was never a day when Philip remained elusive from my mind. Even today, my deciding to meet up Steve seemed to be an attempt to shove away Philip's thoughts.

After the family dinner at John and Philips', there was no doubt that John would reunite Philip's girlfriends with him. Although she was still an ex, every part of me wanted to rattle John in his decision to bring her back. But it was Sasha told of the truth, uncovered the secret. I was never a contender for Philip's love or affection. Mine was a one sided love and it would remain such. Unrequited.

With thoughts engulfing me, my eyes teared up. 

So close, yet to far. That was how fate decided to intervene in our lives. He moved away and every part of me broke into pieces, knowing well he would never return. But the cruel play of luck didn't halt its play. I was offered the job in the same restaurant where he worked. Coincidences had a strange way of toying with people and I was the latest of its victims.

Beep Beep. My phone chimed up, displaying the time. 

I dragged my purse and phone and zoomed out of the door and into a cab. Thoughts about my current stay mocked me. I was yet to find a place. It was John's kindness which I was exploiting, alongwith his credit. Throughout the drive, I checked for residencies around the restaurant. After scanning through details, I gave up and dialed John.

It was their last day in California. Tomorrow morning, they would wake up bright and happy in Roseville while I would be remain company less in a new city.

"Hello there," John answered the call. In his background Sasha was clearly audible.

"Guys, I am gonna miss you. Can't you stay for a bit longer?" I could hear chuckles from the speaker. 

"The last time we met was at family dinner and that was a whole week ago. Still you want us to stay?" John's question was valid. I was caught up with work to spend any time with them. And now, when the realization donned that my support staff was leaving, I felt lonelier. "I know," Sasha's voice floated across. "Work keeps you busy but baby, we gotta go back home to the kids and the shop too."

Yup. They had a family and I had to somehow adjust to the new reality. The one where John and Sasha wouldn't be there to support everything I did. I had to finally come to terms that I was an adult and my dependence on everyone had to cease. 

"But.." I held back words, knowing well Sasha would be missing her twins. She was a second mother to me when I was working for John. A woman who helped me with all my heartbreaks, a comforting shoulder which held my head while I wailed. The strong woman who helped me navigate through my feelings for Philip. It was Sasha, who understood what I felt for Philip wasn't merely a crush.

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