Chapter 14

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On their way back to camelot, the father and daughter flew in an uncomfortable silence until y/n decided to ask the one question burning at the back of his mind,

Y/n: hey alexis... what you said back their, to merlin, did you mean it, are you really ashamed to call her your mother?

Alexis stayed silent for a few minutes before replying,

Alexis: Well yes, but not really, I'm ashamed that she could do such a thing as to not step in to help, however I understand her reason, it doesn't make it any better, but knowing that she wasn't in a good state of mind, and that the spear wouldn't have done any major damage to you, it makes it a lot better, I'm still pretty pissed though, but by no means do I hate her.

It was silent for another few minutes before y/n replied

Y/n: I see... please don't blame your mother, she loves us more than anything and I'd bet you anything, she's pissed as a fart right now being hilarious, god its been hundreds of years since the last time merlin got drunk, and I dont get to witness her utter brilliance,

-meanwhile in the boar hat-

Merlin was drinking herself silly, her cheeks were flushed pink from the alcohol, her hair was scruffy as if she'd just woken up, she had a little drool on the corner of her lip, and she was currently chasing hawk around the tavern trying to eat him,

The rest of the sins were watching, trying their hardest not to burst out laughing, as none of them had ever actually seen merlin drunk before, except for meliodas and elizabeth, who were dreading the absolute monster that is merlin with a hangover,

-camelot castle-

Y/n and alexis had just arrived back at camelot and were walking through the front gates, when two immensely powerful presences appeared in front of them,

Cusack: hmph, if it isn't the other traitor, what are you doing here?

Chandler: now now cusack, that isn't the proper way to greet young masters beloved little brother!

Chandler then notices alexis standing slightly behind y/n, clearly intimidated by the two incredible powers before them,

Chandler: oh? What have we here? She smells like a human, you brought us a gift? How kind of you y/n!

Chandler moved to grab alexis, however before he could move an inch, his arm was severed completely and he was forced to the floor by the intense pressure y/n was giving off,

When he looked up y/n's e/c had turned completely white, and had white lightning coursing through them

(think thors eyes from ragnarok but completely white)

Y/n: if you so much as lay a hand on my daughter, I will cause you so much pain lyria will look inexperienced, are we clear?

Chandler looked astonished at the sheer power y/n was emitting, in this state he could probably take on the original demon as an equal, he was too surprised to reply, cusack had the same reaction,


Chandler: y-yes Lord y/n

Cusack/chandler: *thoughts* did I/he just stutter!?

Alexis was in awe of the power her dad had shown, when he started walking back towards the castle she ran to catch up,

Alexis: dad! How did you just get so powerful?

Y/n: nobody, and I mean NOBODY, threatens my family and gets away with it, I had to show them what would happen if they came after you, now they know I'll hunt them to the ends of the earth if they hurt you,

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