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I woke up with Kakyoin resting on my chest. He was still asleep gripping my shirt and he had tears running down his eyes. His face was strained and he was stiffing a bit.

"Kakyoin" I called he didn't answer.

"Kakyoin wake up" I said still no answer.

"Noriaki" I whispered putting my hand on his shoulder. He stirred awake still crying softly.

"Jo- Jojo" he said softly looking at me.

"Noriaki what happened? Why are you crying baby?" I said wiping his cheeks.

"I- I don't know I just had a bad dream I guess" he sniffled.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine now that I've woken up in your arms Jotaro" he smiled. I chuckled and threw my pillow at him.

"Cornball" I said getting up.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and no one was in the kitchen. I shrugged and made myself and Kakyoin a bowl of cereal. My mother walked in smiling at us.

"Good morning Mrs. Kujo, how'd you sleep?" Kakyoin smiled.

"Good morning Kakyoin, I slept well" she smiled.

My grandfather came into the kitchen after.

"Jotaro, I never got to tell you last night our flight back home is later this afternoon" my grandfather said sitting down in between Kakyoin and I.

"Mhmm" I said chewing.

"Well actually I'm not going directly home, I'm going to Italy to see that friend I told you about. Apparently he's been living under a rock this whole time" he smiled. I froze awkwardly.

"I'm telling grandma Suzie" I said chewing.

"You have me sorely mistaken Jotaro, Suzie Q is coming with me" my grandfather smiled.

"I can't wait to see Caesar again after all these years I still have the ring he gave me" my grandfather said holding up the ring on his pinky finger that was next to his wedding band.

"That's really sweet Mr. Joestar" Kakyoin said.

"It's a wedding ring" he whispered.

My grandfather got up and nodded at us before leaving. He seemed genuinely happy to see his friend and I was happy for him.

After we ate breakfast Kakyoin left saying he had to go as to not worry his parents. After he left I retired to my room for most of the day. I read my books about aviation but my mind kept thinking about Kakyoin. I missed him embarrassingly enough. He'd only been gone for a short while and I already couldn't wait to see him again. I missed holding his hand and kissing him sweetly. I missed his scent and his smile. I sighed trying but failing to distract myself from him.

About a couple of hours before they had to leave Polnareff came and knocked on my door.

"It's open" I sighed sitting up. Polnareff sat down on my bed next to me.

"Jotaro, Avdol and I-" Polnareff said.

"Kakyoin calls me Jotaro" I whispered smiling.

"Yeah, um- maybe because that's your name... Anyways, we wanted to invite you to dinner before we went back home" Polnareff said.

"Okay" I said.

"Well get ready we'll be waiting in the car" Polnareff said. I nodded as he left.

I got dressed and ready to go combing my hair back a bit before putting on my hat.

We drove to a nice restaurant and ate dinner as a family. Everyone else was pretty talkative as usual but I kept to myself. I wasn't as present at the table and my mind kept think about Kakyoin and if he'd like certain dishes. He'd probably like to eat all the things I like to eat but I can imagine he's more willing to try new foods than I was. I'm sure he'd love the melon soda they have here, maybe I could bring him here sometime. I smiled at that thought.

"Jotaro" Avdol said.

"What?" I grunted.

"You've been spaced out this whole dinner, than again that isn't much different from how you usually are but... you keep smiling" Polnareff said.

"I just can't seem to focus right now is all" I said drinking some of my soda.

"I think I know why Jotaro's been spaced out. He's gotten the L word" my grandfather said elbowing my mom.

"Yeah leprosy" Polnareff said.

"No Polnareff" Avdol sighed.

"Lyme disease? Lemon deficiency? Lice?" he asked sure of his last answer.

"Jotaro's in love" my mother said happily clasping her hands together.

"No I'm not shut up" I grunted ignoring them.

Once we finished dinner we went to the airport and said our farewells.

"Goodbye old man..." I sighed.

"Good luck with your friend" I quickly added pulling my hat down.

"You too Jotaro" he said winking at me before leaving. I smirked before nodding.

The weekend couldn't go by fast enough and I was so excited to see Kakyoin it was humiliating.

"Good morning Jojo" he said opening his front door. I smiled at him. That same exact line was overused by the girl population at my school but coming from him it was like I was hearing it for the first time and filled with my heart with joy.

I spent the day sitting next to him and looking at him in our first hours.

"You're always staring at me Jotaro" he chuckled.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked blushing a bit.

"No it's fine" he smiled.

We walked to the diner hand and hand to undoubtedly eat the same exact sandwich we been eating for a month in a row. We sat in our usual seats and Kakyoin bought some berries for the chick. Once we left we went to the tree and checked the nest but it was empty. Kakyoin looked a bit saddened by this discovery seeing as we didn't know if the chick was dead or alive. That is until we heard a chirp. The chick appeared and flew down in to Kakyoin's hair.

"Hey there little buddy" he smiled. He looked so happy and adorable. The chick flew into his hands and eat a few berries before flying away, probably never to be seen again.

Something about the chick started to make me wonder. Eventually Kakyoin and I are going to leave our own respective nests too, get jobs and houses and cars. I know regardless of that though we'll always be together. I smiled at the thought of continuing this forever, just Noriaki and I, happily living lunch break to lunch break.

A/N: I wanted to thank you all for reading this story, I really enjoyed writing it. I wrote this story mostly because I wanted Jotaro an Kakyoin to have a happy ending which is why it's kind of short. I wrote it in a way that makes you assume they live happily ever after but I have an idea for a sequel. Although I might not write said sequel, it really depends. Anyhow, After this update I'll post Jotakak stuff on this story that inspired me to write. Until then, I hope you all are doing well, I love you, bye bye <3

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