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A/n: I'll be translating Star Platinum's words for the most part and Hierophant Green will have the ability to talk (like when he said Lali-ho) but he'll be mostly mute especially when it's just Kakyoin

I rushed home trying not to think about what had just happened.

"Star Platinum" I called out to him once no one was around. He appeared shyly like a puppy who just got caught chewing through your new slippers.

"What the hell was that?" I asked the Stand.

"Ora Ora Ora Ora" ("He could've hurt himself") he explained nervously. Of course I didn't understand a word of what he was saying. I just shook my head at him in annoyance.

"Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!!" ("You're the one who called me") he said firmly, pointing at me.

"No that was all you. I didn't summon you at all so don't try to blame me" I said folding my arms. Why would my Stand do something I didn't ask it to? It was a manifestation of me so it shouldn't have been able to act at its own will. Maybe Star Platinum wasn't acting on his own. Maybe I did have a soft spot for Kakyoin and I actually did want to save him from undoubtably smashing his head into the flagstone. I shook that ridiculous thought out of my head. No, it was just Star Platinum purposely being defiant.

Although as much as I hated to admit it Kakyoin fascinated me. His daintiness was something quite unexpected of a guy our age. He was like sophisticated aristocrat from 100 years ago. His emotions were so fragile and he couldn't hide them well if he wanted to. He emoted just like a child and even when I told him that he only proved my point by pouting slightly. That only made me want to protect him even more. I bite my knuckle in frustration.

"Listen Star, I'm sorry okay. You were right. Just-just don't embarrass me again okay?" I said to the Stand. Star Platinum looked at me and started shimmying his shoulders like he was dancing to rub it in my face that he was right.

"Quit it" I said.

Once I got home I plopped on to my bed and looked up at my ceiling. Kakyoin had pretty eyes, they were like amethysts deep and saturated. And when he gave me my lighter today I noticed how small his hands were compared to mine. Although he was relatively large compared to other people our age he was still small when compared to me. His skin was so soft and pale and his hair danced as he moved. He was like a dancer in tune with the Earth itself.

"Jotaro someones here for you" my mom called. I grunted but then realized; Who would be here for me? I didn't have any friends? Maybe it was Kakyoin? I rushed down the stairs trying not to show my excitement too much.

"Wow Jotaro you must be very happy to see us. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were expecting someone else" my grandfather said. I pulled my hat down and gritted my teeth. Thinking about that stupid boy made me embarrass myself once again.

"Hey old man" I said looking looking at him.

"Polnareff... Avdol" I added nodding at them.

"Jotaro you've gotten so big, it feels like it was only yesterday when I was changing your diaper" Polnareff said sniffling.

"Shut up, you were still in diapers when I was in them" I said annoyed. That caused my grandfather to do his hearty throaty laugh.

"You have gotten quite taller Jotaro" Avdol said.

"That's the Joestar bloodline" my grandfather smiled.

"It has been a while since you've seen me" I said walking towards the kitchen.

Polnareff was the child of my grandfather's traveling friends he met in France. Ever since I was born my grandfather would send for both of us to spend the summer with him in America. He mostly sent for Polnareff so I'd have someone to "play with". I stopped going around the same time I started getting known as the town's delinquent, about 5 years ago and hadn't seen them since. Avdol was also a friend of my grandfather although they met a few years after I was born I also saw him for most of those summers.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them. I'd only see them in the summer because it coordinated with the summer break but I was only a month into school so that break was far from soon.

"We came to visit you Jotaro" Polnareff said leaning on my shoulder.

"Why?" I asked obviously annoyed.

"Oh don't be like that Jotaro. You don't bring over any school friends and you hardly talk to anybody. Besides I know you've missed seeing them each summer" she said. The last part was only half true. I did miss spending summers with them but I was the one who choose to stop going.

"Why are you such an annoying bitch?" I said looking away from her.

"I don't know" she chirped.

"How dare you talk to your mother like that Jotaro" my grandfather asked me. I smacked my lips together and looked away.

"And what's this I've been hearing about you being the town's delinquent who puts people in to hospitals? Is this why you've stopped coming to see us in the summer? So you can get in to pointless fights and wear your poor mother's heart down?" he asked angrily at me. I ignored his questioning.

I'd stopped visiting them once I'd gotten a Stand. I got into one little fight at school because some kids teased me for "talking to myself". That's when it'd initially started; kids and adults alike gossiping about the boy who talked to himself and had psychic powers. I wasn't the type to take that kind of bull crap so I started getting in to fights with anyone I heard whispering about me. Of course my mother didn't understand in the beginning and she still doesn't. I never told her about my Stand because I didn't want her to think I was crazy. So I kept it to myself and searched on the internet about them. Of course that wasn't easy and the information I did have seemed contradictory for the most part. Kakyoin was the first other person I'd met with a Stand. Unexpectedly his stand was much daintier and intelligent looking than mines.

"I'm not trying to wear anyone's hearts down. Now leave me alone old man" I said walking past them and going in to my room. As annoying as my mother was I didn't want to cause her any more problems. She already had to deal with my dad going from seeing us every holiday to almost completely ignoring us she didn't need to deal with people gossiping about her son. Although that was unavoidable being a delinquent was better than being a witch. Despite that she never once called me a delinquent or said she was disappointed in me. In her eyes I was still that good mannered boy who'd kiss her every morning before school and would wipe the tears my father caused from her eyes. And when we were alone and it was just me and her, I still was that little boy. Although I wouldn't let anyone else know that.

"Jotaro" my mother said quietly knocking on my door.

"It's open" I said softly. I must've looked sad because her face went from concern to saddened once she saw me. She sat next to me on my bed and hugged me silently.

"Dinner will be ready soon" she said after a few minutes into our hug.

"You're such an annoying bitch" I said barely above a whisper.

"I know" she said quietly. I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you mom" I said. She nodded and let go of the hug getting up to leave. Star Platinum quickly jumped out of me and kissed her cheek.

"Ora" he said right before she left.

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