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I can't. I can't sleep in these conditions I might actually implode. It seemed Jotaro had fallen asleep pretty quickly. He turned towards me still fast asleep. He smelled so good, like fresh cologne and shampoo. I laid on my back and closed my eyes hoping that I'd forget my surroundings. After what seemed like forever I finally feel asleep.

"Kakyoin, Kakyoin get off of me" I heard Jotaro say.

I opened my eyes trying to assess my surroundings. I looked up and saw Jotaro glaring at me but I was so comfortable I ignored him. I had one leg over his waist and my arms wrapped around him. I closed my eyes and snuggled deeper in to him.

"Fine" he said sitting up. I groaned and let him go. I followed him out to the kitchen and Mrs. Kujo seemed to be cleaning.

"Good morning boys I hope you slept well" she said pulling two big pans on muffins out of the oven. She gave us one.

"Be careful now boys their still hot" she said. Polnareff came in to the kitchen with Iggy on his shoulders chewing a section of his hair.

"Oh" he said grabbing a muffin.

"Be careful Polnareff those are fresh out of the oven" she said. Iggy quickly jumped on to his hands causing him to drop the muffin and dropped to the floor. He bit the muffin and quickly yelped before pulling away and coughing it up.

"Ha, thats what you get for always stealing my food" Polnareff said smugly. Mrs. Kujo laughed in amusement as she gave Polnareff another muffin. She left and we ate our food. Jotaro finished and left soon too. I decided not to follow him since he was probably going to go change. Polnareff and I sat at the table not exchanging any words.

"So... how are you?" he asked awkwardly.

"I'm great, thank you for asking, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm good" he said. He started tapping his fingers on the table.

"Does Jotaro act the same at school?" he asked.

"Basically" I answered.

"He didn't used to act like this when we were younger... I wonder what happened?" Polnareff said.

"Kakyoin" Jotaro said from the front room. I walked to him and he was fully dressed and prepared to leave.

"Come on we'll be late" he said. I nodded and quickly went to change.

"We'll get your bookbag and then head to the school" he said. I remembered that today was annual check up day.

"I won't need my bookbag Jojo today we have the health exams" I said. Jotaro sighed and opened the front door.

"Jotaro, you forget something" his mother said rushing to the front door. He rolled his eyes as she fixed his jacket.

"You forgot your goodbye kiss" she said getting up on her toes and kissed his cheek. He groaned and threw his head back.

"And you too Kakyoin" she said kissing my cheek.

"Have a good day at school boys" she waved

"Goodbye Mrs. Kujo" I said waving.

We walked outside and immediately realized the water was still ankle high. Jotaro sighed and rolled his pants legs up. He picked me up in his arms and started walking.

"Jojo, I can walk myself" I said holding on to his jacket.

"You could get sick you heard what my mom said" he replied.

"This is embarrassing" I said.

"Fine would you rather get on my back?" he asked sarcastically.

"Yes" I said quickly he shrugged and put my down. He squatted down so I could get on his back.

Why We Can't be Friends [Jotakak]Where stories live. Discover now