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I was exhausted. After three full days of this damned school trip that was supposed to be "relaxing" I was ready to go home. Once we'd finished breakfast we were going to the zoo then we'd prepare our things to get on the train where we'd eat lunch before finally going home.

"Kakyoin what's your favorite animal?" Haruhi asked. Something about Haruhi annoyed me. She was too touchy and clingy with Kakyoin. She wanted to hold his hand and eat lunch with him and wipe food from his face. I also noticed that she'd only smile at him and how he'd say the most basic stuff to her and she'd be over the moon. She skipped next to him in front of Mitsuki and I. On the bright side Mitsuki doesn't like me at all anymore once she found out I smoked. She was strange, me calling her an annoying bitch turned her on but smoking was the thing that scared her away?

"I don't have a favorite animal, I do like cephalopods though. Mostly because I think tentacles are a pretty useful adaptation. What about you?" he asked. He was so friendly with her it was almost hard to believe that a few weeks ago he had never even had a friend.

"I like bunny rabbits, you know Kakyoin you kind of remind me of a bunny rabbit" she said smiling at him.

"How so?" he asked.

"Because your cute and your hair is really fluffy like one" she said rubbing his head.

She was one of the tallest girls in our school so they were almost shoulder to shoulder and she was taller than most boys. When I first met her she actually seemed nice and tolerable but now she was just as annoying as the rest... but in a different way.

We walked through the zoo as the tour guide explained each animal. In the aquarium Kakyoin decided to ask me for information on just about every sea creature we past. Apparently I was doing so well at answering the questions that the tour guide stopped talking and the entire school quieted down to hear Kakyoin and I speak.

Once we finished the tour guide gave me a gift card for 2 days and 1 night free at the resort and offered me a job after I graduate. It was embarrassing but I told them I'd think about it and accepted the gift card. I'm sure my mom would probably like it.

"Jotaro I had no idea you were so knowledgeable on sea life" my sixth hour teacher said.

"Jotaro is cute and smart" a girl said as a group of them swooned in unison.

"Heh, Ocean nerd" a guy laughed as a bunch of other guys laughed with him.

"Shut up" I shouted.

I grabbed Kakyoin's hand and pulled him away from our classmates walking back to our rooms. I looked back at Kakyoin and saw Haruhi was holding his other hand. They both were speed walking to keep up with me. I scrunched my face up in annoyance and rolled my eyes.

Part of me wanted to just say "get lost bitch" but Kakyoin looked so happy with her and he finally had made another friend to talk to. As much as I hated it, I couldn't stomach the thought of purposely ruining that for him.

We made it to our rooms first going a separate way from our classmates. I grabbed my stuff quickly, seeing as I had already had it ready the night before, and walked into the hallway while Kakyoin was finishing up. Haruhi made it out of her room shortly after me and once she saw me her face lit up.

"Jotaro, can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked. I tried to keep a neutral expression for Kakyoin's sake. If he knew that I didn't like his new "friend" it'd devastate him.

"Yeah whatever" I said leaning against the wall.

"Does Kakyoin have a girlfriend?" she asked. I clenched my jaw instinctively.

"No. Why?" I said but I had already knew the answer.

"Because I think I like him and I was wondering if he had a girlfriend before I asked him out" she said nervously rocking back and forth on her heels and toes.

"Well he doesn't want to go out with you" I said glaring down at her.

"How do you know that?" she asked angrily.

"I just do okay?" I said raising my voice a bit.

"It's not like you two are dating. Wait... are you? If you are I'm sorry I didn't mean to overstep. I don't like him that much" she said saddened a little. I just looked away pulling my hat over my eyes.

"Well are you?" she asked.

"No" I sighed.

"Can you guys please stop talking about me when I'm right here" Kakyoin said. We both turned towards him and he looked upset. He had watery eyes and his nose looked red like he was about to start crying. Something told me he was upset because of what I said and not what Haruhi said.

"Kakyoin-" I started.

"Leave me alone. I don't have any friends and if I did they surely wouldn't be you two" he said walking off as tears dropped to his chin.

My heart hurt so much from him saying that that I gripped my chest instinctively. I don't know what this feeling was but it wasn't a good one. I had hurt Kakyoin's feelings. So much so that I'd made him cry. Why? Because I was being protective over him like I was his boyfriend but when it came time to solidify our relationship I was hesitant and timid. Me, Jotaro Kujo; the guy who's been putting grown men in the hospital since I was in middle school, the guy who calls even his own mother a bitch, the guy who could easily bend metal without lifting a finger, was scared to say Kakyoin was my boyfriend. I was so stupid sometimes it hurt. All I had to do was say "Yeah Kakyoin and I are dating so fuck off bitch". Now Kakyoin hates me and probably doesn't want to be seen with me.

We got on the train and Kakyoin was already there with his arms folded angrily. I sat down next to him and starred at him for a while. You could obviously tell he'd been crying, and it wasn't from physical pain, he looked heartbroken. His nose and under his eyes were red and irritated and the whites of his eyes had a pink tint.

We stayed quiet for most of the ride and when I tried to grab Kakyoin's hand he snatched it away.

"Fuck off" he said grabbing his lunch and pushing it away from me.

I can't live like this. Kakyoin was one of the people I cared most about second only to my mother. Knowing that I'd hurt him this bad left a sour taste in my mouth that burned like acid. I had to make it up to him. Somehow.

Why We Can't be Friends [Jotakak]Where stories live. Discover now