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I sat alone in the kitchen eating cereal. Usually my mother would cook breakfast but on the weekends I'd eat cereal to give her a break from cooking although I loved her cooking.

"Jotaro" Polnareff called walking in to the kitchen. He was already dressed and energetic as usual.

"What?" I asked.

"We're going to the mall, you should come with" he said in his heavy French accent.

"No" I said chewing my cereal.

"Why not? It's not like you have anything better to do. Besides wouldn't it be nice to get out for a change?" he said.

"Fine but only so you'd shut up and leave me alone" I said. I put my bowl in the sink and went upstairs to get dressed. I brushed my hair back and put my hat on.

"You actually convinced him to come" my grandfather said. I glared at him.

"What are we even here for?" I asked them.

"I thought it'd be fun" Polnareff said. He was almost 5 years older than me but he was still immature and energetic like a middle schooler. I walked away trying to shake them off but they followed me. My mother, grandfather, Avdol, and Polnareff all full grown adults following me like kindergartners follow their chaperone. I spotted someone with cherry earrings just like Kakyoin had. I couldn't tell if it was him or not because I could only see their back but I followed them anyways. I couldn't fully explain why I followed the person with cherry earrings but I did. They stopped at the window of a jewelry store and I stood a few feet away. It was Kakyoin, he was wearing a black trench coat, a black and white striped sweater with a white collared shirt underneath, cuffed blue jeans, and leather boots. Of course he looked like a runway model when I decided to just wear a black tank top and pants with a black jacket and dress shoes. I hardly looked any different from how I looked everyday. He must not have noticed me standing next to him because he left without even glancing my way. I followed him to the fruit vendors and watched as he asked if they had any overripe fruit.

"Does he go to your school Jotaro?" Avdol asked me, I jumped slightly in surprise. I forgotten all about them. They must've followed me and saw I was starring at Kakyoin. I pulled my hat down in embarrassment.

"Uh, yeah" I said not looking at them.

"Why don't you go talk to him, he seems like a nice guy" my mother said.

"Yeah Jotaro, he seems like he'd be a good influence" my grandfather added.

"Shut up" I grunted. Just then Kakyoin looked up from the flowers he'd been smelling and saw me. I felt the redness from my cheeks spread across my face.

"Hi Jotaro" he said waving to me as he walked up to me.

"Hey Kakyoin" I said.

"What a coincidence running into you here" he said smiling up at me. I could hear my family mutter behind me.

"Yeah, are you here with anyone?" I asked nervously.

"I'm here with my mother" he answered. I sighed in relief, now I could just tell my family he was busy with his mom. Then they'd leave me alone about talking to him.

"But she's at an appointment right now so I'll be alone for a couple of hours. Did you come here with someone Jotaro?" he asked me.

"Yeah the idiot parade" I said under my breath.

"Hi, I'm Jotaro's mom, Mrs. Holly Kujo. You must be Jotaro's friend, it's so nice to meet you" my mother said shaking his hand.

"He's not my friend" I said angrily.

"I'm Noriaki Kakyoin, it's nice to meet you too ma'am" Kakyoin smiled.

"Well we'll get going out of you boys hair. We'll see you later Jotaro" my mom said.

"But I wanted to hang out with Jotaro and his new friend" I heard my grandfather whined.

"He's not my friend" I said.

"Dad, remember the Joestar technique" my mother said to him.

"Run as fast as you can" he said. I face palmed as I heard him running and bumping into shoppers like a manic.

"We're going to go too Jotaro. I'm taking Polnareff to shop for puppies" Avdol said.

"Why can't Jotaro and his friend come too?" Polnareff whined.

"He's not my friend" I grunted.

"Because Polnareff if the puppies see them before they see you they might prefer them over you" Avdol said.

"Oh, okay" Polnareff said happily. Once they left their was an awkward silence between us. I sighed, I felt like they left us alone on purpose.

"Your family seems nice" Kakyoin said nervously.

"Do you want to go to the aquarium?" I asked him.

"Sure" he smiled.

"Hm, what's the largest jelly fish in the world?" Kakyoin said reading a plaque.

"Lion's mane jellyfish" I said watching a school of fish swim by.

"Oh really, and what kind of jellyfish is that?" Kakyoin asked matter of a factly.

"Moon jellyfish" I answered.

"Nerd" he teased. I glared at him but smirked once I saw him smiling back at me.

After a few hours of him asking me questions from the plaques and naming sea creatures we finally left the aquarium. We walked around for a while not saying anything to each other. As spotted a burger joint and turned to ask him if he wanted to go there. Before I could speak his phone rang.

"Excuse me, I have to take this, it's my mother" he said I nodded. I shrugged and went to the burger joint. Knowing Kakyoin he'd probably order the exact same thing I'd order. I ordered two burgers with fries, two sodas, one apple pie and one cherry pie. Once I got the food I walked up to him. He was saying goodbye to his mom and he didn't seem to notice me. I was starting to worry about him. There's been times when I'd stare at him for almost an hour and he wouldn't even notice.

"I got you some food" I said. He turned around and smiled at me.

"You didn't have to do that Jotaro" he said, I shrugged.

"Thank you" he said grabbing the bag and opening it.

"You got me a cherry pie" he said.

"Yeah, you like cherries right?" I asked.

"What makes you think that?" he asked folding his arms and pointing his nose up.

"You said they were the best part. That and your earrings" I said pointing to his ear. He smiled.

"Thank you Jotaro" he said hugging me. I flinched not expecting that, but hugged him back. We ate our food silently as we always did. Once we finished he told me his mom's appointment should be finished by now and we said our goodbyes.

"Did you have fun with your friend today Jotaro?" Polnareff asked me once I found them.

"Your friend seems nice Jotaro, you should invite him to dinner with us" my mother added.

"Yeah so you can properly introduce us to your friend" my grandfather said.

"Good grief, I'm sure he has other plans" I said pulling my hat down.

"So he is your friend Jotaro?" Avdol said, my face flushed slightly. I rolled my eyes and ignored them.

Why We Can't be Friends [Jotakak]Where stories live. Discover now