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I got off of the bus that took us back to the school. As I started walking home I could hear Jotaro walking behind me. I continued walking, slowly speeding up hoping that I'd loose him. He was a jerk. I was tired of him doing this to me. Dragging me along and then pretending like he wasn't. Like nothing happened between us. I loved him, I wanted him to know that. But all he's done is hurt me. Jotaro followed me all the way home which was past his house and even followed me up the stairs to my house. As soon as I unlocked the door I closed it in his face and leaned up against it for a while. I heard him sigh and leave before I went upstairs to my room. I plopped down on my bed trying not to start crying again.

"Noriaki why didn't you tell me you were home?" my mother asked sweetly.

"I'm sorry mom I'm just so exhausted from today I wanted to go straight to sleep" I sighed hoping she couldn't hear the sadness in my voice.

"Okay sweetheart I love you, rest as long as you need honey. I'll let you know when dinner is ready okay" she said.

"Thanks mom, I love you too" I said.

"I know" she said softly as she closed my bedroom door. I quickly fell asleep hoping that by the time I'd woken up I'd be in a happier mood.

"Noriaki, it's time for dinner sweetie" my mother called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming" I said stretching awake. I wiped my face with a wet towel and looked in the mirror. I didn't look too bad although I didn't look happy either. I shrugged and made my way downstairs.

"Yeah he's been sleep since he's gotten back I'm sure he's just tired from that trip he took" I heard my mother say. I walked into the dining room and blinked awake a little bit more to see who she was talking to. Hopefully not Jotaro.

"...Father" I said stiffening my body.

"Hello Kakyoin, it's nice of you to join us for dinner... in your casual wear nonetheless" my father said sitting down.

"Give him a break Tenmei" my mother said softly hitting him with the oven mitt.

"Dinner looks amazing mother" I said sitting down.

"Thank you Noriaki, I made sure I cooked something special because my family has come home today after I was alone for 4 days. It's a reason to celebrate I think" she smiled. My father and I looked at her, I smiled at her but my father just blinked slowly.

"So Kakyoin how's school? Have you made any new friends... any new guy friends?" my father said once we'd started eating.

"Oh Tenmei I've been waiting for Noriaki to tell you but I just can't hold it in anymore. He's made a wonderful friend with a nice young man he goes to school with. He comes and gets him from school, he was at the hospital with him when he had that accident, I even seen him carry Noriaki on his back when the sidewalks were flooded so he wouldn't catch a cold. He's such a nice young man" my mother said clasping her hands together happily. My father just hummed in response.

"My coworker and I were talking at work the other day apparently he has a kid who goes to your school" my father said after a few minutes of silence.

"That's nice" I said not knowing what to say.

"He said his kid saw you kiss a boy in the hallway Kakyoin. Is this true?" my father asked. I broke my chopsticks that were in between my teeth in sudden fear. I glanced up at my mother and she looked concerned.

"Answer the damn question boy" my father said raising his voice.

"Yes" I said softly.

"What was that? Say it with your chest. Real men speak with pride and diction" my father said slamming his hands on the table.

"Yes" I answered in my normal speaking voice not looking at them.

"I raised you to look at people when they're talking to you and answer in a complete sentences Kakyoin" my father said.

"Yes Father, I did kiss a boy at school in the hallway" I said looking at him.

"Get out!" he shouted pointing to the exit.

"Tenmei don't you think you're taking this too far" my mother said grabbing his arm.

"And we were going to name you after me. No son of mines is going to be a gay you hear me Noriaki?" he said saying my name in a teasing manner.

"Get out! Get out of my face before I put my hands on you boy" he said. I walked out and went to my room closing and locking the door behind me. I held my pillow and quietly started crying for I don't know how long. My mother came to my room and knocked quietly but I didn't answer. I didn't want her to see me like this.

Why? Why can't I ever make him proud? No matter what I do he'll never be pleased. And now he was disowning me. For kissing some stupid boy who didn't even want to be associated with me.

I held on to my pillow squeezing it tightly. I felt Hierophant Green wrap his tentacles around me and hold me close.

"Thank you" I said lowly to him. He just nodded. I stayed like that, holding my pillow and feeling Hierophant Green's cold embrace. After a while I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. These ones were warm and human like. I looked up from my pillow and saw Star Platinum holding me and patting my head. How did he get here? How did he know to come? Maybe Star Platinum was a long range Stand and he was acting on his own while Jotaro was still at home unaware of the situation.

"Star- Star Platinum" I said. He looked at me and nodded squeezing me tighter and kissing my salty cheeks.

"Thank you, I- I just wish Jotaro knew you were here right now" I sighed. Star Platinum furrowed his brows cocking his head to the side. He got up and unlocked my door. The door slammed open and Jotaro was in the doorway seemingly pissed.

"It took you long enough" he said grabbing Star Platinum by his scarf.

"Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Or-rah" ("I wanted some alone time with him") Star Platinum said. Jotaro scoffed at him and walked towards me.

"Jo-Jotaro... why are you here?" I asked looking down at my floor.

"Your mother called mine telling me to come, you know since they're best friends now apparently. Something about you getting in to an argument with your father and needing a friend right now" he said sitting down next to me. His hair was dripping wet, his body was damp, and his night clothes were sticking to him.

"Why are you wet?" I asked.

"I had just gotten out of the shower" he said. He must've rushed over here as soon as my mother called if he didn't give himself time to dry off.

"What happened between you and your father?" he asked. Hierophant Green slapped him with one of his tentacles and pointed at him.

"Hey" he said angrily.

"Nothing" I huffed.

"Kakyoin" he said sternly.

"Apparently some kid at our school saw us kiss and their dad told my dad and he was pretty upset about it. Something about not wanting a gay son" I said softly. Jotaro hugged me close to him and kissed my temple.

"I'm sorry I hurt your feelings earlier by not clarifying that we were dating to that girl. I-I guess I was just scared. That no excuse for what I did though but I hope you can forgive me" he said. I nodded and held his arm to my body.

"So you are my boyfriend?" I said softly.

"Of course I am. Who else would I be?" he said smiling. He kissed my cheeks happily.

"I love you so much Noriaki" he said smiling. My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't help the smile from growing on my face.

"I love you too Jotaro" I said squeezing him tightly and burying my face in to his chest.

Why We Can't be Friends [Jotakak]Where stories live. Discover now