Ask #4

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@LuminaNeko ClawStrike: Ok now I got a problem guys....I was on my daily night time walk and someone jumped me! I'm in a dark place and I can't move! I can hear Decepticons though....I activated my tracking I ask can someone Save me! I'm claustrophobic here!

Darkspeed: *Sitting on the ground in a hall bored out of his processor* This sucks!

Bumblebee: *walking by but stops and looks at Darkspeed* Then go make out with Cheetor

Darkspeed: *glances at Bee* Yea....I'm not doing that today...Plus his busy!..... *narrows optics* And I have a feeling somethings happened

Bumblebee: *raises optic ridge* What do you mean?

Darkspeed: *looks up at him* What I mean Bee is that I have a feeling somethings gonna happen!

*not even 3 seconds later a beeping sounded around the Ark as Teletraan X speaks*

Teletraan X: Attention all crew members! An Autobot tracking beacon has just been detected!

Darkspeed: *blank look* And~ There it is~ *stands up and makes his way to the control room with Bumblebee*

5 Minutes Later

Darkspeed: *walks into the control room and goes over to stand next to Cheetor* I knew something was wrong!

Cheetor: *looks at Darkspeed* How?

Darkspeed: *shrugs* Don't know just a feeling....So what's going on?

Cheetor: *hums with his usual smile* A tracking beacon has been activated but we don't yet know who it belongs too!

Darkspeed: *nods* Ok thanks for filling me in Cheetor!

Cheetor: *smiling* It was my utmost pleasure!

Optimus: *looking at the screen where the tracking beacon is displayed* Teletraan X do we know who the beacon belongs too?

*long silence*

Teletraan X: *hums* I have just searched the data base sir and it would appear the beacon belongs to a Cybercat minicon named ClawStrike!

*a loud yell was heard from the med-bay that travels right through the whole Ark*

Ratchet: *in med-bay* WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Everybot looks toward the door as loud pede steps are heard running in the halls before Ratchet came stomping into the room*

Ratchet: *glaring* What is this I heard about the tracking beacon belonging to ClawStrike!

Teletraan X: It is as I said the Autobot tracking beacon is coming from the missile silo and research shows it belongs to a Cybercat minicon known as ClawStrike!

Grimlock: Do not worry my friend we wi- *turns around only to find Ratchet gone* And you are no longer there!

Darkspeed: *looks at the spot Ratchet was before look at the others* Who want's to bet that his gone after ClawStrike!?

Cheetor: *blinks* Darkspeed that is not something you should be betting on!

Darkspeed: *crosses arms* Well I'm bored and there's nothing else to do! *pouts and walks out of the room*

1 Hour Later Missile Silo

*Banging and screams are heard followed by yelling and cursing*

Ratchet: *growling* WHERE IS SHE!!!!!!!!!

Seeker: *groans* Don't know what your talking about

Ratchet: *growls louder* You know who I'm talking about!

Seeker: *yelps* NO I DON'T!!!!!!

Ratchet: *glaring* CLAWSTRIKE WHERE IS SHE I KNOW SHE'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!

Seeker 2: *growls* Not telling!

Ratchet: *smirks* Wrong answer *pulls out two wrenches* 

Seeker&Seeker 2: *scream like little girls* 

2 Hours Later

ClawStrike: *tied up in a chair staring at the energon covered Ratchet infront of her* Did you kill somebot?

Ratchet: *shakes helm* No *smirks evilly* I killed two! *starts chuckling*

ClawStrike: *wide optic and whispers* Oh no

Ratchet: *still chuckling but walks over and unties ClawStrike* Now what say we get out of here hmm!

ClawStrike: *a little scared* Yea...Sure that is a really good idea!

Ratchet: *hums* Lets go *walks out of the small room he found ClawStrike in*

ClawStrike: *slowly follows* It's fine ClawStrike Ratchet's just joking right? I mean his a medic he wouldn't kill anybot on purpose!

Ratchet: *looks behind him* Come on ClawStrike!

ClawStrike: COMING!!! *runs after Ratchet but freezes and goes wide optic when she sees two offlined seekers* O.M.P!! *glances at Ratchet* He really fragging killed two bots......*hugs self* I don't really feel safe now

Ratchet: *got annoyed at waiting and walks over to ClawStrike grabbing her by the back of her neck he dragged her towards the exit* We are getting out of here now!

ClawStrike: *wide optic but nods* Ok! *whispers under intake* I'll have to tell Optimus about this

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