Chapter 5

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Eddy (in Brett's body) woke up. He felt warmth right next to him. He was scared of opening his eyes. The last few days he would squeeze his eyes shut first and tell himself that "today might be the day" and he would muster up all of his courage to open his eyes... only to see himself lying next to him and tears would start to well up in his eyes. He would cover his mouth with his hand as he quickly snuck out of bed so that he wouldn't wake up his partner sleeping next to him. He hurried into the bathroom as tears started to stream down his face.

He closed the bathroom door behind him as looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. He didn't see himself but instead saw the image of the man of his dreams. Yet the sight of him made him so sad, it was about to drive him crazy.

He started to sob. He stared into the mirror and said to himself;

"Eddy, you can't give up. You gotta hang in there."

He kept his eyes on the mirror as he extended his arm and walked towards the bathroom sink till his outstretched arm reached the mirror. He placed the palm of his hand on the mirror as he continued to stare into the mirror and repeat these words to himself over and over. This gave him comfort because he would be hearing these words from the man he loved, from Brett, in Brett's voice, not from himself.

There was a tap on the door.

Eddy didn't even turn around.

"Eddy... are you okay in there?"

The door slowly opened and Brett (in Eddy's body) came into the bathroom.

Brett must have overheard Eddy talking to himself. Brett wrapped his arms around his partner from behind. Brett (In Eddy's body) looked at himself and Eddy (in Brett's body) in the mirror.

"Eddy... is this what you've been doing every morning ..??"

"Just for the last few days... I feel like I have to keep telling myself so that I won't go mad...And I found that when I say it to myself in the mirror, it feels like it's you that's talking to me..."

"Awww Eddy.... Let me try that..."

Brett (in Eddy's body) moved his face closer to the mirror.

"Brett, you're gonna be okay... oh wow."

Brett (in Eddy's body) hugged Eddy (in Brett's body) tighter.

"It does feel good... it does feel like you're talking to me..."

Eddy wiped his tears with his sleeves and gave a shy smile.


"....Eddy... can I try something...?"

"...Yes..? Of course."

"No judgement?"

"We promised last night. No judgement."


Brett (in Eddy's body) let go of Eddy's waist he was hugging and took a step closer to the mirror as he stared into his image (of Eddy). Eddy found it rather strange to see himself approaching the mirror. Brett (in Eddy's body) placed his hand on the mirror as he moved his face even closer to the mirror. His cheeks went pink as if he was excited as he started to close his eyes, but not completely, he still had his eyes slightly opened, as he gently placed his lips on the mirror, kissing his image (of Eddy) in the mirror.

Eddy (in Brett's body) was surprised and confused when he saw what Brett was doing. He didn't feel like making any judgments about it as it didn't turn him off in any way, he just didn't understand why Brett would do such a thing.


Brett (in Eddy's body) still had his lips on the mirror as he reached out his hand. Eddy took his hand. Brett slowly pulled Eddy towards the mirror next to him and mumbled.

"No judgement, Eddy, just try it..."

Eddy (in Brett's body) was still confused as he looked at himself in the mirror. What he saw was the image of Brett staring back at him. As he moved his face closer to the mirror he realised what was happening and blushed. He almost closed his eyes as his face went closer to the mirror but realised he wanted to keep them open so just like Brett had done, he kept his eyes very slightly opened to see the image of Brett's face getting closer and closer to him.... this was the sight that he had missed so much. Tears welled up in his eyes as he softly kissed the mirror.

"...OMG Brett."

"You like it, Eddy?"

"Yes... Brett... no judgement ?"

"No judgement."

"...I think I would like to try doing more stuff in front of a mirror."

"Me too Eddy. My head is busy thinking about how we can do this..."

"...No judgement ?"

"No judgement, I promise. We'll experiment tonight, okay?"

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