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The first thing to enter Merlin's awareness was a strange power at work in him. He was still half asleep and he couldn't move, but he could feel. Something was wrong. He felt his magic, but it wasn't under his command. He also felt a cold weight that had just become present on his chest. He forced himself to become aware. His eyes fluttered open, but that's all he could do. The moment that he took in his surroundings he wished he hadn't. Looking down at him we're two faces that he dreaded; one he didn't even know was alive.

"Ah. So it seems the serving boy has awoken," Morgouse taunted.

Merlin's eyes began to move around wildly in their sockets. He wasn't in exactly the same place where he had fallen asleep. Actually he was now surrounded by brush. He looked down and saw the golden stone resting on his chest. Above him he could see an almost identical stone hanging around Morgouse's neck, and it was glowing. Somehow he knew that came from him. Edith smirked at his confusion.

"It seems you noticed my new toy," Edith started. "These stones hold the power of healing. My dear Morgouse has been suffering many injuries for quite some time, injuries inflicted by you if I remember correctly. The stones use the power of one person to heal another. It slowly drains their magic to heal the other person completely. We figured you would be a great help with that."

If he wasn't panicked before, he certainly was now. With Morgouse back to her full power, Camelot wouldn't stand a chance without him. He tried as hard as he could to move, but he couldn't move a muscle. He was still paralyzed from the potion.

"Do not bother trying to escape," Morgouse smirked. "This time I will not allow that to happen. I was unaware of your great power the last time I faced you, but not any more. You will be locked away somewhere that even the great Emrys can't escape: within yourself."

"I once promised you that I would make you wish you had never been born," Edith stepped in. "I now have the means to fulfill that promise. Sleep well, Emrys."

As they both began to chant Merlin was already drifting. It was as if he was falling. Down and down he went, until he landed in the throne room. It was him, Morgana, an unconscious Uther, and a water skin filled with Hemlock. He knew the scene, he knew how it ended. He watched in horror as Morgana's life seemed to leave her.

When the scene switched, he was by a lake holding his first love. He failed to save her, and she died in his arms.

He would fall and the scene would switch. Sometimes it was his worst memories. Other times, it was his deepest darkest fears coming to life in front of him. He'd been executed, banished, tortured, and that was only the beginning. Reality mixed with nightmare until he couldn't tell the difference. He was stuck in this place of fear and anguish. There was no escape; ever.


Against her better judgement, Morgana had fallen back asleep the night before. It was the middle of the night and she was not entirely sure that it was a vision. Besides, she felt off. It was like she was barely clinging on to consciousness.

The next morning wasn't like that. She was awoken in the morning by a strange feeling. There was danger, and judging by experience it had something to do with Merlin. She made to jump out of bed when she felt a wave of magic. She was taken aback for a second and had to catch her breath. That's when she was flooded with realization. Merlin truly was in danger, and her half sister was involved.

Arthur and Gwen had just gotten ready for the day and were about to have breakfast when Morgana barged into the room, panicked. Gwen rose immediately to try and calm her friend.

"Morgana! What's going on?"

"It's Merlin! He's in danger, I know it. And it's all my fault!"

"Morgana, sit down for a second and breathe," Arthur tried to calm her.
"How could it be your fault?"

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