Day 1

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More ships incoming


I actually ship both Momojiro and Kamijiro. For this story, I choose Momojiro because I couldn't make Momo be the only single in the group.

And also the Futures who have turned been turned into a baby will have a "B" in front of their name into of the usual "F." B meaning baby.

There will be some baby pics. They wouldn't have the right context. They are just a representation of how I think they will look when they are babies.

Today was Saturday, the first day of conquering challenges. All the Futures were already awake, ready for another day in the past. They were all gathered in a corner of the Common room. Some of class 1-A were awake, but they all minded their own business.

"So what challenge are we doing first?" F Midoriya asked.

"Let's do the hardest one first. I believe the hardest challenge is to care of each other in our baby form," F Momo answered. " For example, having to keep a constant watch on them and also needing to change their diapers," She added. 

" I want to take care of you, Izuku," F Todoroki said.

" Of course you do. It's not like you don't cling onto Deku like a leech," F Bakugo complained bored. "Kiri, you're with me." F Kirishima nodded accepting the offer. 

" You can take care of me, Sho," F Midoriya replied.

"You guys are making me miss, Ochako," F Lida said sadly. F Momo patted his shoulder. F Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"I know what you mean, I also wish Jiro was here," F Momo said sympathetically. "But, we are going off topic, let's start the challenge," She said quickly, noticing the mood has turned downcast.

Mina sneakily walked over the Futures. "So, are you guys ready?" Mina asked, startling everyone and rendering them speechless. " Hey, guys please answer?"

"Y-y-you didn't hear anything right?" F Midoriya asked nervously. All the Futures except F Todoroki and F Bakugo looked at her anxiously waiting for her response.

Mina shook her head. "I just noticed you guys were huddled here. So, I wanted to ask when you are starting the challenge because I got my phone ready to take a lot of adorable pictures," Mina replied, taking her phone out of her pocket.

"Can you send me pictures that you take? Especially the ones with Midoriya" F Momo asked Mina. Mina nodded. F Momo looked at the others and noticed their judging stares. " What? I just want some photos that I can use to tease you guys."

~~Time skip to when the Futures are going to use the age-o-nator~~

F Lida, F Bakugo and F Todoroki were wearing the black full bodysuit. They were all in the room that F Todoroki, F Midoriya and F Momo shared. F Momo plugged the socket into the wall and age-o-nator turned on. Meanwhile, class 1-A were all gathered in the common room.

"Oi, I'm going in first," F Bakugo announced to everyone. He walked into the machine and closed the door. On the screen it said "please click the number that is the difference of your age and the age that you are going to become." F Bakugo choose 19 and waited impatiently. "Does this thing even work?" He shouted. 

"Kacchan, please wait a little bit more." Then the machine released a pink smoke that slowly covered F Bakugo fully. F Bakugo's body slowly started to become smaller and smaller until he reached the average size of a one year old. 

"Do you think it worked," F Kirishima asked worriedly. The door slowly swung open to reveal a little version of F Bakugo. His eyes were closed and the bodysuit was turned small enough to fit to his body. F kirishima's fear was replaced by a immense amount of joy. 

{Continuation} Pro Hero Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima meet Class 1-AWhere stories live. Discover now