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It was 5:30 in the morning and a certain pomeranian had just woken up.

F Bakugo grunted as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked to his right to find F Kirishima still sleeping facing him. F Bakugo leaned in to kiss F Kirishima's forehead. A small smile appeared on F Bakugo's face.

"What time is it?" F Bakugo grunted. "Where the f*ck is my phone?" He looked around the room sleepily. Then, he spotted it near his pillow. F Bakugo turned on his phone. It was 5:30 a.m. F Bakugo got up and walked over to the bathroom and went to the sink to brush.

"Wait, we don't any brushes. Sh*t," F Bakugo shouted, forgetting that everyone was asleep.

"We do have brushes," said F Lida, standing near the bathroom.

"Since when were you awake, four eyes."

"Your shouting woke me and Kirishima is still asleep if you were wondering."

"Who said that I was thinking about Kirishima. Now, tell me were the brushes are or else."

"Just follow me," F Lida yawning. He lead F Bakugo to his suitcase and opened it up and took a plastic over out. Inside the bag, there were toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant and other necessities.

"Why the f*ck do you have all the things?" F Bakugo asked grumpily, grabbing the plastic bag and taking a red colored brush and a toothpaste.

"Oh, last night after you slept. I remembered that we didn't have any toothbrushes or toothpaste. So, I called Hatsume and asked her to supply us some bathroom supplies. The others were also awake during that time and I gave them half the supplies that Hatsume gave me," F Lida explained with his robotic hand gestures.

"Ya, whatever."


After all the futures woke up. They brushed their teeth and took a shower and met in the common room.

"You know it was kind of weird having to take turns to shower," F Kirishima commented.

"Yes, it may feel uncomfortable. But, this what we get for arriving to the past unannounced," F Lida said. " And I wish I could wear something more formal as well." He looked at his clothes.

"We are just going to attend a simple meeting. So, what's the need for formality?" F Todoroki asked.

" I want to show respect to our teachers," F Lida agrued back.

"Shut up, I am want to drink my  coffee in peace, you extras," F Bakugo said, obnoxiously slurping the coffee.

"Hearing the word peace come out of Kacchan's mouth is ironic," F Midoriya whispered to F Momo. F Momo chuckled in response.

"Hey, extras don't you feel like you are forgetting something?" F Bakugo inquired.

"Umm, what is it ,Katsuki?" F Kirishima asked. Everyone looked at F Bakugo for the answer.

"You extras are so f*cking dumb, remember the paper with the challenges that -- what's her name again. Well, whatever it was, gave to finish or else we can't go back home-"

"Yes, I think we get it now, Bakugo. We still didn't finish reading the paper yet. So, we don't know what the challenges are," F Todoroki said interrupting F Bakugo.

"Oi, if weren't standing all the way other there, I would blown your *ss into pieces by now for interrupting me," F Bakugo said, walking towards F Todoroki and grabbed his shirt.

"Hey, how about you calm down," said F Kirishima, trying to F Bakugo away from F Todoroki. "Midoriya, can you go get the paper from my suitcase so we find out what the challenges are." F Midoriya nodded and ran up the stairs and went into the room. Meanwhile, F Lida and F Kirishima tried calm down F Bakugo.

{Continuation} Pro Hero Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima meet Class 1-AWhere stories live. Discover now