Day 4: The Last Challenge

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In this part, the Futures would still be labeled with F in front of their names. Regardless of their age.

Another day for the Futures. They all were rejoiced that they were one challenge away from going back home to the future. They were all envious, when F Uraraka had left the past. It's not like they didn't enjoy meeting their past selves, they were happy to be reminded of the days, when all they cared about was going to U.A and staying out of trouble. But, they couldn't afford to waste anymore time staying in the past.

F Midoriya was downstairs in the common room. All of class 1-A were preparing their breakfast and getting ready for school. Midoriya intently looked at his future self, forgetting to eat his breakfast.

"Hey, Deku, what's the matter?" Uraraka asked, jolting Midoriya from his thoughts. Midoriya looked at Uraraka. Who was curiously glancing at him.

"Oh, it's nothing really," Midoriya replied, looking down at his food. "Future me promised to tell me what the third challenge was today."

"Oh, I also want to know as well. Come on, let's go ask him together," Uraraka said, getting up from her chair.

"But, Uraraka we are still eating," Midoriya protested. But, Uraraka stubbornly looked at him, determined to get an answer. "Fine, let's go." Both of them walked over to Midoriya's future self.

F Midoriya looked at them. "Heya, older Deku. We want to know what the third challenge is," Uraraka said.

"Oh, I guess there's no use hiding it. So, for the third challenge, we must turn into our sixteen year old," f Midoriya said. "I know what you are thinking, that it's going to be confusing to figure us out. But, we will find a way to differentiate ourselves," He added, noticing Midoriya and Uraraka agape expressions.

This news was quickly spread to every single member of class 1-A by the time homeroom was in session, thanks to some of them eavesdropping on Uraraka and Midoriya's conversation with F Midoriya.

~~~Meanwhile with the Futures (10:00 a.m.)~~~

"Do you think we will look exactly like our past self?" F Midoriya asked, looking at himself in the bathroom mirror. As usual, the Futures had followed the routine to transform back to their first year self's. But of course, this would be the last time they will ever have to do this.

F Momo was the only other person with F Midoriya in their shared dorm room. Everyone else was downstairs in the common room. "I think we will. I mean, when Todoroki was a baby, he didn't have a scar," F Momo answered. But, this answer didn't satisfy F Midoriya.

"I guess," F Midoriya said. Both of them walked out the bathroom. F Midoriya looked out the window. The sky wasn't bright and clear as it was in the morning. Rather, it was overcast. ray clouds had swallowed the sun, stretching as far as the eye can see.

"Hmm, looks like it's going to rain today," F Midoriya observed. F Momo looked outside.

"You're right. I hope little us and the rest of their classmates don't get caught in the rain," F Momo stated. F Midoriya and F Momo walked out of the room to join the rest of their friends.

~~~U.A. ended~~~

As F Midoriya had predicted, it was raining. Unfortunately, it started heavily raining before school ended. So, U.A. students were stuck having to walk in the rain. Many students decided to take a chance and decided to run all the way to their dorms. Shoji used his dupli-arms to make his into the shape of an umbrella for Mina, Hagakure, Uraraka and Tsuyu.

"But, you will get wet, ribbit," Tsuyu stated.

"That's not a problem for me. So don't worry about me," Shoji replied.

{Continuation} Pro Hero Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima meet Class 1-AWhere stories live. Discover now