The Announcement

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"You know, it's surprising that Mr. Aizawa wanted to take us to the dorms himself. I always thought he didn't care about us to that extent. But, he really does care and I think it's super manly," F Kirishima commented on Mr.Aizawa bringing them back to the dorms. F Midoriya and F Momo nodded. They were all eating lunch in the common room together.

"I always knew he cared about us. It is normal for a teacher to care about his/her own students," F Lida informed. He pushed his glasses into the bridge of his nose. He looked at everyone seriously."It would be wrong if they didn't and also be unheroic." Everyone stared at F Lida quietly, confused about why he getting serious.

"Oh, cut the serious sh*t, Four eyes."

"It was necessary, Bakugo!"

"Oh, who said so."

"I did!" F Lida exclaimed. F Bakugo was up to usual antics of pissing of Lida. F Kirishima sighed defeatedly.

"Since one of our challenges was to take of each other while we are babies. How are we supposed to take care of them when we don't even know how to take care of babies in the first place?" F Todoroki asked. Everyone looked at him quietly. F Momo and F Midoriya glanced at each other and smiled knowingly.

"Oh, ya, I forgot about that. It wouldn't be manly if we didn't even know how to do that," F Kirishima said scratching the back of his neck.

"Midoriya and I can help you guys," F Momo said, happy to be able to help. Everyone looked at her. "We learned how to take care of children and babies." F Kirishima looked at F Momo and F Midoriya amazed.

"Of course, you two dorks would know," F Bakugo grumbled.

"So, when will we start learning from you two?" F Todoroki asked. He tilted his head slightly to the right.

"We need to start now!" F Lida exclaimed. "This way we will have a lot of practice." Everyone nodded in agreement, ready to face the challenge of taking care of babies.

After eating lunch, they began their training. They covered the basics of taking care of babies. All of them were so immersed that they didn't even notice an hour pass by. F Kirishima yawned and got up to get a glass of water. 

"That was of the most interesting subject that I have learned in my life," F Lida said, laying his head on the table. F Midoriya looked around confused. 

"Is something wrong, Izuku?"

F Midoriya nodded. "Not really it just that I can hear a faint beeping noise," F Midoriya replied. Everyone looked at him confused. 

"I don't hear anything, Deku," F Bakugo said. "You're just imagining sh*t."

F Midoriya shook his head. " I am being serious guys." He proved to be right as a beeping sound could be heard. F Midoriya looked at F Bakugo with expression of I told you so. The beeping got louder and louder. 

"Uhh, where is this noise coming from?" F Momo asked distressed. Everyone had their ears covered by their hands. 

"Oi, extras, look at your bracelets," F Bakugo said, pointing to his own bracelet. It had glowing white engravings on it saying "incoming call." "Looks like, binocular eyes, is calling us." He pressed the left button once and right button once. On the screen it said "Join call with Hastume." F Bakugo pressed it and Hatsume appeared. 

"Hello, again guys. how are you?"

"I hate you, Extra. Your little bracelet has the most annoying notification sound. Why the f*ck was it so loud?" F Bakugo asked angrily. F Hatsume looked at them confused. 

{Continuation} Pro Hero Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima meet Class 1-AWhere stories live. Discover now