Scary movies - Leondre

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"What film do ya wanna watch tonight Y/N?" asked Leo, rummaging through his DVD collection to find something you two hadn't watched.

"Erhm," you thought, "something scary."

"Agh but we've watched all of them!!" he whined.

"Why don't you borrow one of Joey's, I'm sure he wouldn't mind," you smirked.

"Ugh fine, I'll see what I can find, luckily he's out!" sighed Leo, getting up and going to search in Joey's room.

A few minutes later he came back with a DVD in his hands and a massive smirk on his face.

"What are you smirking for, aye mate?" you grinned, taking the DVD o ut of his hands. You read 'The Conjuring' on the front.

"You actually expect me to watch this?" you laughed. "This is too scary I'm sorry!"

"Why yes, yes I do," said Leo, slipping the DVD into the player.


Barely 5 minutes into the movie, your head was buried deep into Leo's shirt, not daring to raise your head. You looked up to see Leondre's face looking a bit scared as well.

"Enjoying it?" you mumbled into his top sarcastically, still not looking up.

"What? Yeah, yeah of course..." he said. You weren't too convinced. "Besides, I get to cuddle up with you. So I'm happy."

You smiled at his cheesiness and hugged him tight.

"I love you Y/N," he said.....

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